Sunburn In Kids – Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

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The sun is the giver of life! That is a good reason for people across cultures to worship the sun. But the sun can also become cruel at times.

The very rays of the sun that provides us with vitamin D can also cause sunburn or sun damage. If you overstay your visit under the sun, you are likely to injure your skin. Sunburn is bad enough for adults, but for kids, it can become even more painful causing kids sunburn.

Kids who experience sunburn are more likely to get skin cancer as adults (1)!

That is why it is important to protect your child from the harmful rays of the sun.

If you are looking for ways to prevent and treat sunburn in kids, this article is just what you need.

Facts About Kids Sunburn:

The sunrays consist of invisible UV rays. These rays react with melanin, a chemical present in the skin and cause tanning, burning, and other skin damage.

Sunburn is a bigger risk for children with:

  • Moles on their skin.
  • Very fair skin and hair (Children with very fair skin have low levels of melanin, which makes them more susceptible to sunburn). (2)
  • A family history of moles and skin cancer. (3)

Symptoms Of Sunburn In Children:

So how do you know that your kid has sunburn? Check for the following signs:

  • Redness in the affected areas
  • Skin that feels warm
  • Pain or itching
  • Swelling
  • Blisters
  • Peeling skin

When To Seek Medical Help?

All cases of sunburn warrant a call to the doctor. But the milder cases of sunburn kids need no medical intervention. In case your kid shows the following signs as well as the other common symptoms of sunburn, head to the doctor (4):

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue

[ Read: Headache In Children ]

Can You Prevent Sunburn?

Yes, you surely can prevent sunburn children!

Thankfully, sun protection is no rocket science. You can protect your kid as well as the rest of the family from harmful rays of the sun by following these easy steps:

1. Stay Home:

No, you don’t have to forgo your summer fun or keep your kid indoors all the time. But what you do need to do is keep the family out of the sun between ten in the morning and four in the evening. Most of the harsh rays of the sun can harm your kid’s delicate skin during this period.

[ Read: Heat Rash In Children ]

2. Cover Up:

The best way to protect your kid from sunburn is to ensure he is wearing appropriate clothing. How do you know if your kid is wearing the right clothes? Just place your hand inside the dress. If you can see your hand, the dress is not good enough to protect against sunburn. Make your kid wear full-sleeved shirts and trousers for maximum protection. You can also make sure that your young one wears a hat or cap.

[ Read: Home Remedies To Remove Warts In Children ]

3. Get In The Shade:

If your kid needs to be outside, make sure there is ample shade. If there is a tree around, let your kid spend time under it. If you cannot find any natural shade, make your own! Carry umbrellas, tents, and other sun protective accessories. This is one of the best sunburn relief for kids.

[ Read: Natural Remedies To Soothe Sunburns In Kids ]

4. Use Sunscreen:

Now there is a lot of controversies regarding the use of sunscreen. Many people blame sunscreens for the increasing number of melanoma cases. But the culprit is not some cream in a bottle! It is our false sense of security (6)! Just because your kid has some sunscreen on does not mean he can spend hours out in the sun! But yes, if your kid uses it correctly, sunscreen can go a long way in keeping him safe from sunburn.

There are a few factors you should keep in mind while purchasing a sunscreen:

  • Select a sunscreen that offers an SPF of 30 or above.
  • Go for a sunscreen that shields against UVA and UVB rays.
  • If you are using a sunscreen spray, be careful. If your kid inhales the spray, it will irritate his lungs.
  • Don’t use sunscreens with PABA.

Apart from that, you need to make sure that your kid is using the sunscreen right to prevent sunburn.

  • For best results, tell your kid to apply the sunscreen at least 15 minutes before he steps out.
  • Don’t be stingy with your sunscreen! Apply it generously.
  • Tell your kid to reapply the sunscreen as often as possible.
  • If your kid is going for a swim, apply a water-resistant sunscreen.

Treating Sunburn In Kids:

Despite your best efforts, it is possible that your kid ends up with sunburn. But don’t worry! You can treat most mild cases of sunburn at home. Some of the ways to treat sunburn include:

1. Cool Water:

A sunburn can hurt pretty badly. To help your kid, you can give him a cool bath. Or you can apply a cool compress to the affected area to ease the pain.

2. Medication:

If your kid is in too much pain, you can give him ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

3. Hydrate The Skin:

Sunburn can sap your kid’s skin of moisture. You need to apply a good topical moisturizing cream to replenish his skin.

Home Remedies For Sunburn:

Apart from these common methods, you can also use some home remedies to treat sunburn. Here are a few good ideas for you:

1. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera can do wonders when it comes to sunburn. Just apply some aloe vera gel on the affected area to give your kid some relief from the pain and itching.

2. Honey:

Honey is another great home remedy for treating sunburn. Simply apply honey on the sunburn and help it heal faster.

3. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal is a great breakfast option. But it can also help heal sunburn! Just soak some oatmeal in lukewarm water and soak the affected area.

4. Witch Hazel:

All you need to do is pour some witch hazel on a piece of cloth or cotton gauze and apply at the sunburn site. Doing so three to four times a day, for twenty minutes can help alleviate the pain and itching.

5. Others:

Some of the other simple home remedies you can try include:

  • Milk
  • Baking Soda or Cornstarch
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Coriander Oil

Sunburn can hurt. But scarier than that is the prospect of melanoma! So, while treating sunburn may not take too much effort, it is a better idea to prevent it in the first place. Small steps can go a long way in keeping sunburn at bay!

Do you know of any other way to prevent sunburn? Share with us.

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