5 Things You Must Know About Massaging Your Baby

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As mothers, our top priority will always be our children. Their needs and comfort will always come before ours, and that’s the beauty of a mother’s love. When you welcome a little angel into the world, this maternal instinct to protect and comfort becomes even stronger.

And we also know that when a baby is experiencing any discomfort, there is nothing like a mother’s touch. Just picking up your baby when they are crying provides them with so much comfort that most of them stop crying immediately. This is the importance of touch to babies. Science has recognized the importance of touch both for the baby’s overall development as well as for the development of the bond between the caregiver and baby. That’s why baby massages are highly recommended by other mothers and medical practitioners. If you’re yet to be convinced about the goodness of this time-tested practice, here’s what you need to know:

1. Builds an unbreakable bond

Studies have shown that the practice of giving your baby a massage is an effective way to build healthy social and emotional relationships between caregiver and infant (1). With each rub, your baby will feel nourished and comforted. Massages help with non-verbal communication between you and your little one and help foster feelings of love, respect, and attachment. Apart from this, massaging a baby has proven to be able to promote a sense of well-being in the adult as well so it truly is a win-win.

2. Soothes Baby’s Muscles

Soothes Babys Muscles
Image: IStock

Massaging a baby’s muscles helps release any built-up tension or soreness. As your baby begins to move about and crawl, their tiny muscles can get tired quickly. Massaging them out will help ease soreness and improve blood circulation leaving your baby feeling rejuvenated. Massaging muscles also helps increase flexibility and muscle tone, thereby promoting proper growth and development.

3. Improves The Baby’s Mood

Improves The Baby's Mood
Image: IStock

Massaging the muscles can help reduce and balance the stress levels in a baby. When you massage your baby, hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine are reduced (2). All these hormones are linked to stress, and with a reduction of these hormones, your baby will be less cranky and more at ease.

4. Enhances Sleep Cycles

Enhances Sleep Cycles
Image: IStock

It is not uncommon to have your baby nod off to sleep during a massage. This is because of the feel-good hormones that are released during a massage. Studies have shown that massages also help get their circadian cycles on track, which means they’ll sleep more at night and be more active during the day (3). A well-rested baby means a happier baby, which in turn means a happier mommy.

5. Improves Digestion

Improves Digestion
Image: IStock

Massages are extremely helpful in relieving gastric and colic issues (4) . Massages help stimulate circulatory and digestive systems preventing constipation. A healthy tummy means your baby will be less cranky and his health would also be better maintained.

The Perfect Accompaniment For Baby Massage

The Perfect Accompaniment For Baby Massage

Now, that we’ve convinced you of the goodness of massages let us also talk about another important aspect of it and that is the oil that you choose for it. It is very important to choose the right oils when massaging your baby. An oil with chemicals can cause the baby to break out in rashes or cause discomfort in the baby.

A baby’s skin needs to be protected by all costs against parabens and other chemicals because of its high sensitivity. That’s why we recommend using Himalaya Babycare’s Baby Massage Oil. Massaging your baby with this oil daily will help improve the baby’s growth and development. Infused with Olive Oil and Winter Cherry, this baby massage oil is clinically tested for safety and efficacy, so you can rest assured that this oil is not harmful to your baby. The light and non-staining formula of the oil has dual benefits and can be used for massaging before bathing and for moisturizing after bathing. It is a vegetable-based oil, which means that it will prevent your baby’s skin from drying out. This oil is full of benefits and is a must-have to your baby’s skincare routine.

This oil along with your gentle touch is all that you baby needs to grow in a wholesome, holistic manner. So go ahead, give your precious one a massage today with Himalaya Babycare’s Baby Massage Oil and give him/her the gift of health.

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