5 Best Tips For Shooting With Your Baby

Written by MomJunction
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After nine long months, your little bundle of joy is finally here! Do you want to capture every single detail of his daily life to cherish as beautiful memories later? Do you want to shoot his first days yourself, but are unsure about where to start? Well, if you want the answer to these queries, then please read our post.

Photographing babies can be a little hard. Whether you are a professional photographer, or a mother with a point and shoot camera, children can be challenging subjects as it’s difficult to keep them still and quiet. They move all the time and do not follow any instructions. Chances are that you will shoot the frames more than the baby.

But the main challenge is to capture his charm and cuteness, even if you have limited camera skills. So how can you take better pictures of children? To help you, we have come up with some tried and tested techniques that will have you shooting like a pro.

5 Best Baby Photography Ideas:

Here are five simple newborn photography ideas to help you create beautiful images of you and your baby.

1. Lightning:

A common mistake seen in newborn photography is improper lighting. Lighting can make or break the photo. Natural light is far superior to artificial light, so try to make use of it as often as you can. Look for indirect natural light like the shade of the tree. The light shining beside your baby will add dimension to the image. Also, turning off the flash light will make the camera less noticeable in public and will open up for candid situations. These baby photography ideas will help you get the best pictures.

[ Read: Best Online Free Baby Photo & Video Journals  ]

2. Know Your Camera:

Point and shoot cameras take photos in the automated process. But unfortunately, the automatic settings do not make the most out of a shoot. Knowing a few things about your camera will help you get more creative with your shots. Here are some simple things to keep in mind:

Learn how to turn off the flash of your camera. Know if your camera will allow you to change its aperture setting. The wider the aperture, the shallower will be the depth of field in your image. Learn how to change the shutter speed of the camera. A fast shutter speed will freeze even the swiftest of the child while a slow shutter speed will create some pleasant motion blur. You must learn how to adjust the ISO of your camera. It will come handy in the low light conditions.

[ Read: Fun Things To Do With Your Newborn Baby ]

3. Angles:

Finding a good angle to photograph babies can be quite challenging. Instead of rushing to change the position, try walking around with your tot to see what angles you can photograph. One useful idea is shooting the shadowed side of the baby. Who knows you may end up with an image that you will love? Try all the different perspectives and angles before moving on to a new pose.

4. Capture The Little Details:

Capture the little details that make your baby stand out- like the rosebud lips, the little nose, the crinkly chin and the tiny fingers. Your macro lens will come handy here. Make sure you shoot your baby’s nose, ears, toes, fingers, hair, shoulders, belly buttons and lips, the details that change fast. You will love going through these little details later on.

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5. Pay Attention To The Background:

Have you ever snapped something marvelous only to notice your hair dryer or some other distracting element lying in the background? You are not alone here as it happens to the best of photographers. If there is any small, irritating part in your favorite photo, then you can eliminate it by using the image-editing software. But what if there is an ugly piece of furniture lurking in the background? Even Photoshop won’t be able to erase it. So before starting a shoot, push all the toys, blankets, and dirty laundry out of the way.

Things To Remember:

The ideal time to photograph your newborn is in the first and two weeks of birth. It is at this time when the babies are at their sleepiest and most cooperative state. You can curl your small and pliable tot into beautiful poses. If you have a six to eight month baby, then photograph him while he is sitting up. At this stage, you no longer need to support your baby to face the camera. Shooting toddlers old can be quite a challenge as most of them look down at the feet and run away from the camera. However, a DSLR will offer you an excellent opportunity to take sudden shots of your baby in action.

Lastly, remember to carry your camera as often as possible so that you do not miss the unanticipated shooting opportunities.

Now grab whatever camera you have and get going. Do you have some more tips for shooting babies? Then please share with other mommies in the comment section.

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