Top 5 Tips To Make Homework Easy For Your Kids

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The past few years have witnessed a tremendous change in academic curriculum for kids. As a parent, you may find it overwhelming for your child. While there’s not much you can do about it, you can always find ways to help your kid get done with the homework in a smarter way.

Top 5 Homework Tips for Kids:

Home work may not always sound appealing to your kid, but using innovative and interesting methods can always help. As a parent, you need to encourage your child to study and finish the assignments on time.

Here are the top 5 ways that will help you make homework easier for your child:

1. Use Social Media:

Gone are the days when social media was blamed for causing distractions among kids. Today, kids learn things online, share timetables on Facebook, and tweet about how much they’ve managed to study so far.

  • If your kid finds motivation and solace in the online world, let him do it.
  • A lot of kids tend to find constructive competition with their friends on such social networking sites.
  • Many a times, you may find that your kid managed to create his tough project with the help of a YouTube videos.

[ Read: Internet Safety for Kids ]

2. Create A Plan:

One of the best ways to ensure completion of work despite huge workloads is to quickly whip up a timetable or schedule. This will help both you and your kid get organised better and will relieve stress.

  • If there’s too much to do in a day, simply allot specific tasks to specific time slots.
  • Keep short gaps in between for refreshments and playtime.
  • You are most likely to help your kid finish his homework in a short time span if you follow this rule.

[ Read: Parenting Tips ]

3. Take A Break:

Be it exam time or just regular homework sessions, taking a break is important, especially for developing kids.

  • Don’t overburden your kid. Allow him to take short 15 minute breaks between every few hours of study.
  • Avoid letting him use the video game or watch TV during these breaks.
  • Instead, get him to take the dog for a walk or feed the pets or something similar that is constructive and refreshing.
  • You could also ask him to accompany you in cooking.

4. Use the Timer:

Another great idea to motivate your kid to study and get done with his homework is to set time schedules.

  • Before your kid gets started with his homework, you can set the timer at 30 minutes.
  • Ask him to get done with some study problems or a few answers from his school textbook.
  • Setting a time frame for a particular project tends to create a sense of urgency. This helps drive your kid to work better and finish the same in time.
  • Of course you can always have a special reward treat waiting for him for his good work afterwards.

5. Use Sensory-Motor Tricks:

Using sensory motor tricks to help your kid concentrate is great, particularly if your kid is restless and fidgety.

  • Have him sit on an exercise ball or tie an exercise band around the front legs of the chair.
  • This will make him more comfortable and make him stay himself ‘in zone’ while studying.
  • Several studies have also revealed that chewing gum or sucking on a candy could help kids concentrate better.
  • These activities tend to help the nervous system work better. So do not immediately negate them if your kid wants to use these while studying.

These helpful homework tips and tricks are very simple and easy to incorporate in your child’s daily routine. These will also help you make homework time less effortful for your kid and more productive. Before you know it, your kid will be enjoying his studies and give his best without getting bored.

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