Typhoid In Infants – Causes, Symptoms & Treatments You Should Be Aware Of

Written by MomJunction
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Are you worried about your infant’s health? Do you want to know about typhoid so that you can protect your infant from it?

If you can relate to the above questions, read this post. Find out the causes and symptoms of typhoid. Also learn about the treatment option for infants.

What Is Typhoid?

The Salmonella Typhi bacteria cause Typhoid (1). Eradication of typhoid is complete in most developed countries. However, the fever remains a health scare, especially for infants in developing and underdeveloped countries.

What Causes Typhoid?

In most cases, typhoid spreads through contaminated food or water. The common cause is ruled out for your little one as you may be breastfeeding him. Your infant may contract the disease from a patient.

What Are The Symptoms Of Typhoid In Infants?

In most cases, infants suffering from typhoid may fall sick suddenly. So he may not display various symptoms. The symptoms usually occur after three to four weeks since your child contracted the bacterial infection. Here is a list of the common symptoms of typhoid (2):

  • In The First Week: Your infant may suffer from a low-grade fever. It can gradually go up to 103 or 104 degree F. Your child may also suffer from diarrhea, rashes on the body or a dry cough. Your infant may also suffer from body pain, headaches, lack of appetite, weakness, drowsiness and stomachache. As your infant is too young to express these discomforts, he may cry incessantly.
  • In The Second Week: If your infant has not got any treatment during the first week his condition may be worse (3). Your infant may continue to have a high fever, suffer from diarrhea or severe constipation. Your infant can also start losing a lot of weight. Your infant’s abdomen area may look distended.
  • In The Third Week: The stage can create various health complications in infants. It can also be life-threatening in some cases. Your infant may suffer from severe drowsiness and exhaustion. He may be in the typhoid state if he is sleeping a lot or lying down drowsily (4).

When Should I Take My Infant To The Doctor?

A gradual fever is one of the first symptoms of typhoid. If your infant is suffering from a slight fever, schedule an appointment with his doctor immediately.

What Are The Complications A Typhoid Can Cause?

A typhoid can trigger other health complications like (5):

  • Pneumonia
  • Infections in the gall bladder or kidney
  • Pancreatitis or inflammation in the pancreas
  • Cholecystitis or inflammation in the gall bladder
  • Myocarditis or inflammation in the heart muscles
  • Endocarditis or inflammation in the lining and valves of the heart
  • Meningitis or infection and inflammation in the membranes and the fluids around the brain and spinal cord
  • Delirium

How To Treat Typhoids In Infants?

Antibiotics are the most common medication doctors recommend for treating typhoid. It helps kill the S. Typhi bacteria. Talk to your pediatrician to know the best course of treatment for your infant. In most cases, symptoms will start to diminish within three to four days of starting treatment. Make sure your infant completes the dosage even if the symptoms subside.

Maintaining proper hygiene is the best way to prevent typhoid. Make sure you and your family and friends always wash hands before touching your infant. You may also use a hand sanitizer. Get in touch with your infant’s doctor immediately the moment you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.

If your little one has suffered from typhoid, please share your experience and advice with other moms here.

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