4 Useful Ways To Treat Dehydration In Babies

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Water is the life-giving elixir to human beings, in fact, all living things.

When one does not consume enough water every day, it gives way to a condition that is commonly known as dehydration. A mild case of dehydration in children may become severe because of inability to identify its symptoms and delay in its treatment.

What Is Dehydration In Infants?

Dehydration occurs when one’s body does not possess the needed level of fluids. In dehydration, your body loses more liquid than it consumes. Infants are more prone to dehydration as compared to adults

Dehydration can be minor, but if not treated at initial stages it can be life threatening. Proper care should be taken when your baby is suffering from dehydration.

[ Read: Baby Care ]

Causes Of Dehydration In Infants:

It is important to understand that dehydration in not a disease but a condition that is created. Following are the causes which increase the chances of dehydration in babies.

 1. Fever:

When your baby suffers from fever, there are more chances of her contracting dehydration as body loses lot of water and the intake is very less.

2. Diarrhea:

If your baby suffers from acute diarrhea, then body loses huge amount of electrolytes as well as water in a short span of time and causing dehydration.

3. Vomiting:

In case of vomiting, your baby’s body loses water and essential minerals giving way to dehydration.

4. Excessive Sweating:

Due to hot weather, your baby might sweat a lot, thus losing lot of water from her system and making it parched and dry, causing dehydration.

5. Unable To Intake Liquid:

Sometimes, due to sore throat or other ailments, your baby may not be able to take liquids and thereby get dehydrated.

Symptoms Of Dehydration:

Whenever your baby suffers from any of the above-mentioned ailments, always check for the signs of dehydration in infants. Any of the below mentioned signs can indicate dehydration:

  • No wet diaper for more than six hours.
  • Excessive drowsiness or fussiness.
  • Dry lips and mouth.
  • No tears when crying.
  • Dizziness

Moreover, if your baby has been highly dehydrated then over and above the above mentioned symptoms, your baby might have:

  • Sunken eyes and soft spots on his/her head (Sunken Fontanels).
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • Excessive sleepiness to the extent of unconsciousness.
  • Rapid heart-beat and low blood pressure.

How To Find If Your Baby Is Dehydrated?

The best way to gauge dehydration in infants is by analyzing the color of their urine. If the urine is light-colored and clear, it means your baby’s liquid intake levels are optimum. However, if urine is dark yellow or amber in color then it signals dehydration.

Ways To Treat Dehydration:

Baby dehydration treatment involves few steps. The first step to treat dehydration is trying to rehydrate body as much as possible. You can try the following options to recover the loss of fluids in your baby’s body:

1. Continue Breast-Feeding Or Bottle Feed:

Based on how your nurse your baby, try to feed more often.

  • Try feeding in small portions more frequently; if your baby is vomiting.
  • Try to feed every two hours in smaller proportions; if you are feeding your baby every four hours.

[ Read: Breastfeeding Diet ]

2. Oral Rehydration Therapy:

ORT is believed to treat dehydration. Small, frequent portions of rehydration solutions can work as a substitute for consuming water.

  • ORT contains essential salt, sugar, potassium, and other nutrients.
  • You can increase its portions if your infant does not vomit it.
  • There are various brands available in market, so consult your doctor for the best suitable for your child.

3. No Changes In Regular Diet:

Regular diet that your baby is taking should not be disturbed at all.

  • Food helps in providing the much needed energy to your infant’s body.
  • But you should resist from giving those food which are difficult to digest.

[ Read: When Do Baby Start Drinking Water ]

4. Ample Rest:

Even if your baby starts feeling better, refrain from physical activities, like playing.

  • It is suggested to take at least 24 to 36 hours of rest, for the body to come into its normal working form.
  • However, if you find that the situation is not improving with home remedies, it is suggested to contact your doctor without any further delay.

Dehydration should not be taken lightly, as it may have serious repercussions. We hope the above mentioned ways to cure dehydration in your babies may be helpful to you.

Don’t forget to share if you have some other effective ideas to cure dehydration.

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