How To Cheer Up Your Girlfriend: 17 Sweet Ways

Help her overcome the sadness and feel happy with considerate acts of love.

Written by Siddharth Kesiraju
Last Updated on

Being in a relationship is a roller coaster ride for both the man and the woman. When your girlfriend is feeling forlorn, you are expected to stand by her and cheer her up. ‘How to cheer up your girlfriend?’ This million-dollar question has no single answer because there could be many issues bothering her, and sometimes you may not even know what she’s going through. Read this post as we share some of the easy and effective ways to cheer up your ladylove.

How To Cheer Up Your Girlfriend: 17 Sweet Ways

1. Compliment her

One of the best ways to cheer up your girl is by complimenting her and, genuinely so. The compliment shouldn’t be lip service but should come from the bottom of your heart. Genuine appreciation and compliments are bound to bring a smile to your girl’s face.

2. Cook for her

The maxim ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ also applies to the woman. When your girl looks crestfallen, cook a special dish for her. This will definitely lift her spirits and make her love you even more.

3. Go on a long drive

This is an effective way to cheer up your love when she is down. The drive helps her relax her mind and destress herself. It will open up to you about what’s disturbing her and allow both of you the time and space to discuss the issue at length.

4. Binge watch a web series

Plan a movie night with your girl to help her forget her problems and chill with you. It can either be a gripping web series, a romcom, or an action movie. The key is to make sure your girl is engrossed and enjoys it thoroughly.

5. Play online games

This activity will help both of you connect instantly and will elevate your girlfriend’s mood. It can either be scrabble, online chess, shooting game, or any couples game. Anything is fine as long as it distracts her from her sorrows and engages her mind.

6. Write a note/message

A heartfelt handwritten note is the most impressive way to show someone how much you love them, especially when they’re feeling low. Pour your feelings in the note to convey to her how much she means to you and how valuable the relationship is to you.

7. Take her for a long walk

Going for a pleasant walk and enjoying nature will help your woman declutter her mind. With her love beside her, she can feel safe and cared for. To keep her calm during the walk, make sure you only discuss pleasant things.

8. Help her with household work

The instant recipe to win your girl’s heart and cheer up her is to help her with the chores and house cleaning. She will appreciate your gesture and effort. She will be glad for the love and care you showered on her.

9. Cuddle her

Physical intimacy that includes gestures like hugging and cuddling will give your girl a psychological boost. This will give her the confidence that she’s not alone. This warm and loving gesture will brighten her mood and make her forget her troubles, at least for a while.

10. Give her a massage

When your love is undergoing frustration and stress, a warm massage will help her destress and brighten her mood. A massage from her love will not only help her relax physically but also remove her mental tensions.

11. Go shopping with her

This is a sure-shot way to elevate your girlfriend’s mood and make her smile. Take your girl somewhere to buy something. Keep talking to her while shopping to ensure she’s fine and in the right state of mind.

12. Gift her flowers and chocolates

Buy her beautiful and fragrant flowers, a box of chocolates, or even a small piece of jewelry to make her smile and chuck her troubles. This is not just a gift, but a token of your love, which she will acknowledge and appreciate with all her heart.

13. Share funny videos

Laughter is the best medicine when someone is feeling sad. Share some interesting, funny videos to help her throw all her problems out of the window. She will feel that the world is not such a bad place, after all.

14. Have a heartfelt conversation

Nothing can be more relaxing and soothing than having a heartfelt one-on-one with your partner, especially when things are messy. Listen to her carefully and listen to understand and not to respond. Sometimes, all your girlfriend needs is a listening ear.

15. Plan a romantic date

This will make your girlfriend’s day and help her eliminate the stress. Don’t discuss her problems on the date, rather, recall all the good times that you both spent together. Refreshing those beautiful memories over a candlelight dinner will make her joyous.

16. Read to her

Divert your girlfriend from her problems by reading a motivational or fun book to her. You reading to her will also be a reflection of how much you are concerned about her wellbeing and happiness.

17. Work out with her

Hit the gym with your girl. Working out is the best stress buster, especially if you’re doing it with your partner. Encourage her to remove all her irritation through the workout.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What to text my girlfriend when she’s stressed?

“You’re killing it,” “I am grateful for all you do for me,” “I like you above and beyond our differences and other things,” “I’m sorry you are under so much pressure; let’s make it better together,” “Tell me what’s bothering you, I’m here,” “You are stronger than your problems,” and “We are in this together,” are some thoughtful texts to send to your girlfriend when she is stressed.

2. How do I comfort my girlfriend over the phone?

Affirm and acknowledge her feelings, push her to open up, encourage her to share her emotions with you, and keep showing your solidarity and support by sending her multiple texts throughout the day to make her feel better.

3. How to cheer up my girlfriend long-distance?

Do things she loves, try playing unique long-distance relationship games, surprise her with some cute letters, spare time to talk to her, spend quality time with her (virtually), send her thoughtful and heartfelt gifts, and ensure she knows that the physical distance between you will never seep into the affection you have for each other. Knowing that you will be there for her, no matter what part of the globe you are in, will cheer up your girlfriend.

Learning how to cheer up your girlfriend when she’s depressed or sad may boost your relationship. You could try to figure out or ask her why she feels low. Sometimes a good conversation or a walk in the park could make her feel better. It is essential to make her feel that you are there for her whenever she needs emotional support. You may try to divert her attention to some other activities or give her space to overcome if anything is bothering her. Being empathetic and understanding what the other person needs to improve their mood could do wonders in your relationship.

Key Pointers

  • Compliment, cuddle, or a heartfelt note is all you need to do to cheer up your girlfriend.
  • Helping her with household chores or cooking for her can also work like magic.
  • Flowers and chocolates or a relaxing massage remain the time-tested ways to rekindle that smile on her face.

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