What Is Anusara Yoga And What Are Its Benefits?

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Yoga has been practiced in our country since ages. Originating in India, yoga basically means ‘spiritual discipline’. Every form of yoga has its own set of benefits and there are different ways of practicing them. People practice different types of yoga according to their needs and requirements. Practicing yoga on a regular basis, keeps you fit and fine throughout your life. It helps you in achieving mental stability and physical strength.

Do you want to learn yoga and experience eternal peace? Here’s how to do it with Anusara yoga.

Anusara style yoga was started by an American-born yoga teacher, John Friend in the year 1997. Among the other forms of yoga, Anusara yoga is a perfect blend of yoga asanas, breathing exercises and philosophy. This form of yoga is best described as a modern form of yoga. There are about 260 asanas that are a part of Anusara yoga. It is not always possible for us to practice all these asanas. Therefore, these asanas has been divided into basic warm ups, backbends, standing poses, inversions, forward bends, etc.

If you want to learn Anusara yoga, follow the below mentioned simple and easy asanas and get started:

1. Ardha Chandrasana:

Stand in a straight position. Spread your legs wide apart. Now turn your right foot outside in a 90 degree position. Try to touch your hands (palms) to the ground in a straight line with your feet. Now, lift your left leg and try to stretch it up in the air as much as you can. Do not stretch beyond your capacity. Now lift up your right hand and stretch it up in the air. Remain steady for 30 seconds and release.

2. Bhujangasana:

bhujangasana yoga
Image: Shutterstock

In this, you have to position yourself into a curved pose that resembles a snake. Lie down on the ground in such a way that your forehead touches the ground. Now place your palms under your shoulders in a manner that they get tucked close to your body. Stretch your legs in a way that the top of your feet presses down into the mat. Now inhale & slowly press your hands to stretch your arms, moving your chest upwards. This pose looks like a snake and hence, it is called the cobra pose or the snake pose.

[ Read: Satyananda Yoga ]

3. Ardha Mukha Shvanasana:

ardo mukha svanasana
Image: Shutterstock

This is the 8th step of Suryanamaskara. Here you have to spread your hands and legs little wide apart. Now, bend and place your hands on the ground in such a manner that your palms and feet touch the floor. Try to stretch your body as much as you can. The position here is like that of a dog. Lift up your lower back and stretch it in a ‘V’ position.

4. Vakrasana:

vakrasana yoga
Image: Shutterstock

Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Fold your right leg and place your right foot on the right side of the left knee. Your hands should be on either side with your palms facing the ground. Now twist your upper body backwards, looking over the right shoulder while your left hand remains placed on the right side of your right foot. Stay for 15 seconds and return to the initial position.

Try doing this in the other direction too.

[ Read: Tips For Yoga at Home ]

5. Virbhadrasana:

yoga virabhadrasana
Image: Shutterstock

This pose is also known as the warrior pose. Stand straight and then move your feet apart, about 4 inches from each other. Raise your arms up in the air and stretch them. Now turn your right leg to 90 degrees on the right side and accordingly turn your left leg in the same direction and stretch it. Keep your back straight. Look upwards towards your hands facing the sky.

6. Uttitha Hasta Padangustana:

utthita hasta padasana
Image: Shutterstock

Stand straight in Tadasana position. Now try to lift up your left leg in the upward direction. Try to touch the ankle of your left leg with your left hand. Try it the other way too. Do not stretch beyond your capacity. This asana gives a good massage to your spine, lower back, hips, legs and hands.

[ Read: Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss ]

7. Garudasana:

garudasana benefits
Image: Shutterstock

Stand straight in Tadasana position. Bend your knees a little. Now try to lift up your left leg and wrap it around your right leg. Do the same with your hands. Now, try balancing in this position. Remain steady for 10-15 seconds and release.

8. Vasisthasana:

vasisthasana benefits
Image: Shutterstock

Stand in the Ardha Mukha Shvanasana position. Now try to lift up your right leg in the air. Try to touch your right leg with your right hand. The left hand and the left leg should remain still. Tilt your head in the upward direction, facing the sky.

These are a few simple Anusara yoga poses you can try practicing at home. Yoga certainly helps you in living a tension-free, relaxed and healthy life!

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Hey! Amruta here!!! A yoga instructor who has passion for writing. I love to create a change in people lifestyle through my writings. I consider ground work of happiness is good health. I love food and nature. Hope you all find my posts intresting and motivating
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