What Is Twin Heart Meditation?

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Ever heard of twin heart meditation? If not, then it is one of the best forms of meditation you can ever perform. It primarily focuses on emotional healing that detaches the soul from emotional traumas. It eventually eliminates negativity and brings forth a spectacular positive change in one’s life. The famous meditation expert Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui introduced this innovative meditation form.

Wondering how this meditation form can change your life? Then you should give this post a read!

Facts About Twin Heart Meditation:

Twin heart meditation is a gateway between physical, mental and the spiritual self of an individual . It focuses on the overall well-being of a person by improving the physical, mental and emotional health of a person. Read on to explore the amazing facts of the twin heart meditation technique below!

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  1. According to the twin heart meditation technique, the heart is made up of two sections. The first section is the heart chakra. Heart chakra points towards the emotional side of an individual. Heart chakra is also known as the emotional heart.
  1. The second section of the heart is the crown chakra. The crown chakra, according to the twin heart theory, is the spiritual heart. This meditation type focuses on striking a connection between these two heart sections through the physical and mental powers of the body and brain respectively.
  1. The twin heart meditation begins with connecting the physical, mental and spiritual selves of an individual. It slowly promotes the opening of the gateway in between the two heart sections. After the creation of a common gateway between the heart chakra and crown chakra, surplus energy is produced in the form of pure white light. This white light is also called as Prana in the twin heart meditation.
  1. This positive energy passes to crown chakra from the heart chakra.
  1. Crown chakra is believed to be a connecting point between the mind and entire body. The Prana collected in crown chakra eventually spreads into the brain and illuminates the entire body.
  1. A spread of positive light through the brain and body heals many diseases and disorders like heart problems, diabetes, depression, stress, negative thoughts, anxiety, etc.

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Procedure Of The Twin Heart Meditation:

Once you have understood the basic technique of the twin heart meditation, it is time to learn how to do twin heart meditation. Read on to find out more about the descriptive procedure of the twin heart meditation.

  1. Begin with a physical warm up through simple exercises like neck rolling, eyeball movement, shoulder rolling, knee rolling, squatting, push-ups, pull-ups and stretching. This warm up session should last for at least 10 minutes. The physical warm up session makes the body and brain active. It opens up different energy blockages and also eliminates negative energy from the body.
  1. After the warm up session, you need to sit in a very comfortable position. The spine should be properly aligned and erect. Breathe deeply for few minutes until your complete body becomes relaxed and calm.
  1. Begin the positive thought process of your mind by recalling the blessings from your parents, teachers, spiritual healers, and god. This is the first step of activating the heart chakra.
  1. Place your hand on the center of your heart. Start thinking of the best moments you had in your life with a special friend, teacher, lover or spouse. Heart chakra activates positive thoughts, memories and feelings in life. Thus, triggering the thought process of positive and happy feelings is the best way of activating the heart chakra.
  1. Continue to think of those happy moments until you completely lose to your spiritual self.
  1. After you start feeling positive and happy, touch on the center of your head. Head is the activation center of the crown chakra. Touch your head for 2 minutes and start blessing the complete world.
  1. By this time you will start feeling the presence of the heart chakra and crown chakra simultaneously in your body; then start blessing the entire universe.
  1. Start imagining a pure bright light in the center of your brain. Chant the holy word Om while visualizing the presence of the pure light. Let the light spread through your brain and the entire body.
  1. Once your body gets filled with this positive light, release it to your surroundings.
  1. Slowly open your eyes and repeat the same process every day.

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Twin heart meditation makes you a better person. It eventually makes you so positive and happy that you start repelling all the negativity around you. It also makes you a better person and helps improve the relationships in your life. It increases mental concentration, physical alertness and cures various diseases.

Have you experienced the goodness of twin heart meditation in your life? What are your personal experiences with this divine meditation form? Do share your feedback with us in the comments section!

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