21 Reasons He Isn’t Texting You And What To Do About It

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When you come across a genuinely nice guy and begin texting him, even a short gap between messages could make you think, why isn’t he texting me? Well, in the initial stages of dating, the two of you might hit it off very well, but unexpectedly, things may catch a slower pace, and his responses to your messages may take longer than you expect. So, naturally, you may start to panic and jump to conclusions.
However, relax, sit back and think it through before you have intense thoughts that could take a drastic turn. Maybe you are moving too fast, or there could be some genuine reasons, or he might just be ignoring you. Read on as we explore credible reasons he could not be texting you back and some valuable tips on proceeding further.
21 Reasons He Isn’t Texting You
His reasons for not texting you could be aplenty. Perhaps you are guilty of coming too strong, or it was just a fling. Let’s uncover the reasons.
1. He has become comfortable with you
Now that you know each other, he doesn’t feel the need to message you constantly. He’s comfortable with you. Knowing that you have an interest in him, he now feels he can slow down a bit.
2. He is busy with other stuff
Perhaps his life has suddenly become busier with client meetings and deadlines at work. Or maybe his parents and friends are in town. This may mislead you into thinking that he is becoming distant and uncommunicative. If you see him online, and he does not reply to your messages, do not go bonkers, as he might be online, working on an important project.
3. He can focus only on one thing
He may not be good at multitasking, and is unresponsive because he might be busy with some work. He has a different priority at the moment, and thus, he can’t text you.
4. He’s with his buddies
When he’s out with his friends, he may not want them to know that he’s obsessed with you, and so, he might decide to wait until he’s back home to reply to your messages. Sometimes, men need their “guy time,” and it’s fair you let them chill over video games or a game of soccer without getting jealous.
5. He needs some “me time”
After a hard day, men like to unwind by hitting the gym or just going for a run so that they can re-energize and refresh. It is important you respect his “me time,” just as you would want him to respect yours.
6. Your texts could be overwhelming him
If you text him non-stop every day, he will not be able to keep up. You can’t expect him to deal with your barrage of messages, especially if they are lengthy and you send them while he’s at work.
7. He feels you are inquisitive
Although your questions may be intended to get to know him better, he might not get the intention. If he feels your questions invade his privacy, especially in the early days of your relationship, he might become evasive and stop answering your texts altogether.
8. He doesn’t have the right words

He just can’t find suitable words to express himself. Perhaps he isn’t great at expressing his feelings and emotions. If things are tense, he may need time to collect his thoughts and find the right words. Give him some time.
9. It slipped his memory
He could have genuinely forgotten to reply to your text. Perhaps he was in the middle of something when you messaged him and thought he would reply later. Of course, if this occurs frequently, it’s a sign he’s not interested.
10. He communicates only for a reason
For some, texting for no reason makes no sense. They usually communicate to make a plan. Back and forth texts that don’t have a purpose do not find a place on their things-to-do list. For you, texting may be a way of staying connected, but he may not see it that way. This misunderstanding can lead you to believe that he is uninterested and withdrawn.
11. He feels you are desperate
Your man might be more attracted to women who are slightly disinterested or mysterious. So if you text him too often, you might appear as too keen or desperate to him. In this case, leaving your texts unanswered is his way of saying he’s not interested.
13. He’s playing hard to get
He might be playing it cool, especially if your relationship is in the initial stages. He may not want to show his feelings right away, so he won’t text you back immediately. It doesn’t mean he is not interested; he wants to know how you feel about him.
14. He doesn’t want to lead you on
Perhaps he is mindful of your feelings. Until he is sure about where the relationship is heading, he may not want to give you the wrong impression that he is totally into you. He may reply to your texts occasionally to be polite. If this goes on for too long, it’s best to ask him outright.
15. Your messages are dull

He wants to engage in meaningful and deep conversations with you. Your good looks may not hold his attention for too long. So, you need to have interesting things to discuss and engage him in conversation, to prevent him from becoming detached and aloof.
16. He is not sure about how you feel
In the initial stages of your relationship, it may be difficult for him to judge your level of interest and how you feel about him. So, he may hold back in the hope that you will reach out.
17. You might have offended him
You may have hurt his feelings unintentionally. Your behavior or his misinterpretation of your message could be the reason for the change in his behavior. It could be something you wrote that he misconstrued. Revisit your previous messages or ask him if you have said or done something that has hurt him.
18. He might be two-timing you
The guy might be looking for a fling. He might have someone else with whom he is flirting. For him, you are just another option.
19. He’s hates texting
It may seem strange to you, but it is possible. Maybe he is someone who switches his mobile off for hours or ignores the beeps. For him, texting is not high up on his list of priorities, and he prefers calling you or talking to you in person
20. The timing is wrong
He has something going on in his life that is holding him back from prioritizing the relationship. Things could have seemed right on your first few dates, but if he suddenly stops texting, perhaps he has personal issues that are preventing him from committing.
21. He’s not interested in you

This is the biggest worry any girl can have. Unfortunately, it can be one of the reasons he’s not texting you. He just isn’t interested in you. The best thing you can do here is to let go and move on.
How Often Should A Guy Text You?
The frequency of texting in a relationship can vary based on individual preferences, the nature of the relationship, and other factors. Typically, exchanging texts daily or every other day is considered normal as the two individuals become more acquainted. If he takes days to reply to your message and responds casually without any enthusiasm, chances are he is not very attracted to you. However, he may also be going through something, and he may find it difficult to keep regular contact with you. So, ask him why he is delaying the responses without coming across as too needy and try to understand his side of the story. Remember that communication should be a mutual and enjoyable experience that enhances the relationship rather than causing stress or discomfort.
What To Do When He Doesn’t Text You
When a guy stops texting you, it doesn’t mean your relationship is done and he’s not into you. One top option is to make a call to be certain and resolve the mystery. Maybe he lost his mobile phone or lost his saved phone number list. Read on as we give you a few more tips on what you can do when he doesn’t text you.
1. Reach out
Send him a casual text. Don’t ask him why he hasn’t messaged you, and don’t tell him you miss him. This text has to let him know that you care enough to check if he’s okay and still interested in you. If he replies and gives a solid reason, then all’s well, but if he doesn’t reply, it’s time to move on.
2. Cut him some slack
Pull yourself together and give him some space. Don’t bombard him with many messages and show him you are needy and dependent on him. Play the waiting game and be patient. If you are quiet, he will realize he misses your presence in his life, and you might just make him jealous enough to wonder what or who you are occupied with.
3. Call him

Sometimes, it’s easier to say what you want to say in an actual conversation rather than a message. So it may make sense to pick up the phone and give him a call. It could make things easier for him.
4. Stop complaining
When he texts you, don’t tell him you miss him and that he should message you more often. Try not to put constraints on his life and demand his attention.
5. Pay attention to yourself
All this time, you have been obsessing about him and your relationship with him. It is now time to focus on yourself. Get on with your life, take up hobbies, and enjoy some time with your friends who you may not have met for a long time. You don’t need someone who is not interested in you to make your life happy.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Should you text again after no response from a guy?
No, sending messages after being ignored twice is not a cool idea. Give your guy ample amount of time to get back to you. If you don’t hear from him, stop texting him right away. Texting him again will make you look desperate and needy and might further push him away from you.
2. Is it okay for guys not to text?
Yes, it is. A guy may not text you for various reasons. He might be genuinely busy with his life, or something important must be going on with him. However, if you don’t hear from him for over a week, he might not be into you anymore and is probably ignoring you.
3. How long should I wait before I stop texting him?
The appropriate time to stop texting someone may vary depending on the context and individual circumstances. However, suppose there has been no response or engagement after a reasonable period, such as a few days or a week. In that case, it may be a good idea to reassess the level of interest and consider focusing on other connections or priorities.
4. What are some tips for getting a guy to respond to texts?
To improve the chances of getting a guy to respond to your texts, be concise, engaging, and show genuine interest in him. Avoid pressuring or bombarding him with messages, and give him space to respond at his own pace. Sending flirtatious messages can also make him respond to your texts.
5. How can I stop overthinking when he doesn’t text me?
Focussing on your own well-being and engaging in activities that bring you joy can help you stop overthinking when you don’t receive texts from him. Remind yourself that people have different communication styles and priorities, and it’s important to avoid jumping to conclusions or taking it personally.
6. How can I keep myself from getting too attached when he doesn’t text me?
To stop yourself from getting too attached when he doesn’t text you, focus on your own personal growth and maintain a balanced perspective. Keep yourself busy with hobbies, spend time with your close ones, indulge in self-care, and remember that someone else’s communication patterns do not define your worth.
When your guy doesn’t call or text for long, you may feel sad and hurt. But try to understand that there could be several reasons why he isn’t texting you. However, how you deal with this situation depends on you. You can either reach him and try to understand the reason or give him some time and space to reach back to you. However, if he doesn’t respond to you even after trying to do whatever best you could do to connect with him, maybe it’s time you should consider moving on.
Infographic: Some More Reasons For Him To Not Text You
The most frequent question a woman ponders is why her man is not texting her back. In a long-term relationship, your guy not texting you back also becomes the norm. But what might that imply? The infographic below provides a few more reasons why he might not be texting or responding to your messages.

Illustration: The Bridal Box Design Team
Key Pointers
- The reasons for him not texting you may be far from what you think.
- He may be short of words, unsure of progressing in the relationship, or simply busy.
- Be it for any reason, you can allow him some space or call him to ease things out.
Are you wondering why he’s not texting you back? Find out 3 reasons why and 3 solutions to get him texting you again!

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