Why Should You Baby Proof Your House?

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Your baby is learning to crawl. It is time for anticipation and celebration. Crawling, then pulling up to stand and walking – there is so much to look forward to in the coming months. But are you ready?

As your baby becomes active, get ready for falls and tears. But you can make your house safe for your baby’s new found freedom. What you need is to baby-proof your home.

Why Do You Need To Baby Proof Your House?

We grew up in houses with no baby safety measure, and we grew up just fine. That’s what most parents think when discussing baby-proofing. But everything was not perfect during the ‘good old days’! There were broken bones, grazed skin, and concussions. Baby-proofing can make life that much easier for you. Not to mention, you won’t have to look over your shoulder while doing your chores!

Baby Proofing Checklist:

Baby proofing the house is no child’s play. Your baby can discover nook and corners you didn’t know existed! There’s danger for your baby at every corner. If you are thinking of baby proofing your home, we are here to lend a hand.

Here’s a handy checklist to ensure your home is ready for your little crawler:

1. Bedroom:

Your bedroom is your refuge. It is also a potentially dangerous place for your baby. Here’s what you can do to make your bedroom safe:

  • Place your baby’s crib away from drapes, cords, and windows.
  • Make sure the crib meets all safety measures-no loose sheets, fluffy wedges, pillows or toys.
  • Remove all hanging toys from the crib once your baby can reach them.
  • Don’t leave toys in the crib when your baby is asleep.
  • Never leave your baby unattended on the changing table. If you must, use a safety belt.

2. Bathroom:

Bath times can be fun. But they can also be dangerous. Keep your bathroom safe with these measures:

  • Keep all medicines and chemicals under lock and key.
  • Get a toilet lid lock.
  • Before giving your baby a bath, check the water temperature.
  • Try and keep the bathroom floor dry. Wet floors can be slippery and lead to falls. You can also use non-slip rugs near the bathtub to prevent injuries.
  • Cover taps and bathtub spouts with a soft cover.

3. Kitchen:

The kitchen is a treasure trove for your baby. Make sure it is safe before the little one gets hurt.

  • Keep all potential dangers like knife, forks, and plastic bags in the upper shelves.
  • Make sure the stove is out of your baby’s reach. Keep chairs and tables away from counters and stove.
  • Replace frayed cords and wires.
  • Keep eatables that your baby can choke on hidden.
  • Keep electrical appliances unplugged and away from your baby’s reach.

[ Read: Baby Is Choking ]

4. Others:

There are other things you need to keep in mind while baby-proofing your home. Check them out:

  • Cover all electrical outlets. You can buy covers from the market, or you can hide the outlets behind furniture.
  • Use a safety belt when your baby is on the bouncy seat or the swing.
  • Make sure all strings and ribbons around your baby are shorter than six inches.
  • Keep all furniture away from windows.
  • Use corner bumpers wherever needed.
  • Keep plants out of reach.
  • Keep cigarettes, matches, and lighters under supervision.
  • Install stoppers on doors to protect your baby’s fingers from injury.
  • Install smoke alarms.
  • Apply safety measures on windows.
  • Install baby gates to childproof staircases.
  • If you come across openings wider than 4 inches on railings, block them.
  • Secure cabinets with locks or latches.
  • Keep the trash in secured cabinets. You can also use a trash can with childproof covers.
  • Say goodbye to tablecloths. Babies love to pull on table clothes, and all that is on them.
  • If you have furniture that can topple over, secure them to the wall.
  • Buy toys that are age appropriate.
  • Never leave your baby unattended near a swimming pool.
  • If you are a gun owner, make sure to keep your firearms away from your baby’s reach.
  • Use a car seat while traveling in a car with your baby.
  • Learn first aid and CPR.

The list may seem long, but it is by no means comprehensive! Every home has its unique set of needs. Baby proof your home and then get down on all fours. Look around from your baby’s perspective to see what you may have missed. You’ll be surprised at how the world looks from your little crawler’s eyes!

[ Read: CPR On A Baby ]

No matter how hard you try, you can’t protect your baby from all hurt and pain. She will fall, and the tears will flow. That is all part of growing up! But it is your responsibility to protect your baby from dangerous situations. So, make sure to baby-proof your home, sooner than later.

Have you baby-proofed your home already? Did we miss out on something? Tell us in the comments section below.

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