6 Effective Yoga Poses for Women Trying to Conceive

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Yoga and meditation have proved time and again that they are a boon to mankind. Combating lifestyle illnesses, chronic health complications or simply weight loss program, yoga can enhance the quality of life and living. Pregnancy and fertility are very relevant to yoga the same way other benefits are.

Many women have vouched for a lifestyle upgrade after including yoga in their everyday pattern. The medical experts also state that doing yoga is likely to increase the fertility levels or ability to conceive. If you are interested in trying yoga to conceive, we are here to help you!

What Causes Infertility?

The most important lifestyle factor that affects the ability to conceive is mental stress.

  • Also, if you are a working woman and are in the late 30 to 40 years group, it is more likely that your chances of having a baby will gradually decline.
  • Many women in late years now resort to other options such as IVF to try and get pregnant. However, it is not necessary that IVF works all the time and in all the cases.
  • This is where yoga comes into the fore.

How Does Yoga Help In Conceiving?

The answer is simple. Doing yoga everyday enhances the body functioning and balances the mental state.

  • If you have a hectic lifestyle, yoga helps you release the daily toxins.
  • Doing yoga also reduces mental stress, thereby calming the mind. This in turn relaxes the entire body and the ability to function normally returns.
  • Doing yoga eases the joints and increases the blood flow to the blocked areas in the body.
  • Doing specific poses for fertility rushes an increased blood supply to the groin area, where your reproductive parts lie.
  • The release of muscle tension in these areas stimulates the reproductive glands, thereby enhancing their function to conceive.

What Kinds Of Yoga Are Beneficial For Conception?

Yoga is all about how you do it and not how much.

  • Hatha yoga is considered to be very ideal for fertility as it involves slower and flowing movements.
  • The deep and slow breathing involved in this yoga calms your mind and allows for focus and concentration to set in.
  • The various holding poses called Asanas will help improve blood circulation as your mind reaches a state of peace.
  • While holding a certain pose, you have to imagine in your mind that a vital energy is flowing into your genital area.
  • These productive mind associations actually trigger the feeling of well-being and energy to the affected area.

6 Effective Yoga Poses For Fertility:

The following poses are said to help improve the fertility levels. It is advisable to follow and practice the same under the supervision of a trained professional:

1. Supported Head Stand:

Supported Head Stand
Image: Shutterstock

Also called as mother of all poses, this asana is one of the most challenging poses.

  • Inverting your body and balancing yourself on your head will ease the pressure on your heart muscle.
  • The stimulation of head causes hypothalamus to release more hormones.
  • Remember that this pose requires intense concentration.
  • Hold the asana for about 5 to 7 seconds as you breathe.

2. Supported Shoulder Stand:

Supported Shoulder Stand
Image: Shutterstock

This pose requires balancing the body weight on your shoulders.

  • The pose is said to trigger your thyroid gland when the sternum presses on the thyroid area.
  • It is important to relax your tongue and throat as much as you can.
  • This pose also increases the blood flow to your uterus after relaxing your pelvis.

3. Bridge Pose:

Bridge Pose
Image: Shutterstock

This is a tough yogic pose.

  • This asana requires you to lift your pelvic region up while keeping your buttock muscles firm. When the pelvic area is thrust upwards, both the energy and blood flow get circulated to the uterus and ovaries.
  • Try and stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds before coming back into normal state.

4. Butterfly Pose:

Butterfly Pose
Image: Shutterstock

This forward bend asana helps release any toxins and negative energy in the areas of hip and groin.

  • Sit comfortably by squatting. Bring both your feet together and join them, making them flap like butterfly wings.
  • Hold the pose for about 5 minutes.

5. Cobra Pose:

Cobra Pose
Image: Getty

This is an important asana that strengthens your back muscles while stimulating hormone production in the uterus.

  • Lie on your stomach. Later, lift your upper body portion by putting your weight on your hands.
  • Raise the upper body and look up. Hold the pose for about few seconds as you breathe.

6. Forward Bend:

Forward Bend
Image: Shutterstock

This is a simple forward bend.

  • You need to bend forward and touch the feet
  • This helps enhance blood flow to your pelvis.


  • Doing a simple meditation focusing on your breath helps settle your body as well as your thoughts, establishing a sense of well-being.
  • It is important to follow all the above poses under trained supervision in case you are new to yoga.
  • If you are already practicing yoga, it would be beneficial to focus on the above asanas to derive benefits.
  • A certified yoga instructor will be able to give you more detailed guidance on the same.

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