8 Different Reactions When Two Pink Lines Appeared On The Pee Stick

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Pregnancy! The very mention of the word invokes different emotions in a woman’s mind. Every woman knows that it is an inevitable part of her life sooner or later. And, when ‘the moment’ eventually turns into reality, it is totally different. Something I can vouch for, having been in that situation a few years ago.

I’d been trying to conceive for nearly 3 years after marriage. Yet, after tracking my menstrual cycles and calculating ovulation dates perfectly, time and again, I was disappointed. With hope giving way to despair, I had rather become mechanical about the whole process. This, until one day the unexpected happened! That morning when I peed onto the strip, I had halfheartedly prepared myself to put another strip into the bin in a few seconds when behold! The second line turned pink! I literally jumped and squealed, rushed to my husband, and wept tears of joy while he held me for a few minutes. It has been one of the happiest moments of my life so far. Relatable, isn’t it?

I’d discussed this with a few of my fellow-mother friends recently. They all had similar memorable moments too. Based on that discussion, here I share a few different reactions when the two pink lines appear on the pee stick:

1. We Did It!


Happiness! This generally happens to people who try it the very first time and make it. It’s also called hitting the bull’s eye. The happiness of making it right when you wanted to is unmatched. Not to forget the amount of stress it takes off your mind!

2. I Must Be Seeing Things! Let Me Do It Again!


I Must Be Seeing Things! Let Me Do It Again
Image: Shutterstock

Disbelief! So typical, isn’t it? You might have been trying for a while now with little success. Yet you wouldn’t give up. And then, finally, you get the reward of your patience. Yes, a reward! This is exactly how you’ll feel when that second line finally turns pink!

3. What? It’s All His Fault!


What It's All His Fault!
Image: Shutterstock

When your plans failed. You both would have taken all the precautions. You were sure that there’ll be no intrusions (pun intended). Yet, it happened! You knew who the culprit was. You had warned him against using that unreliable protection, didn’t you?

4. No. This Can’t Be True


No. This Can't Be True
Image: Shutterstock

When your plans failed, again. It was just supposed to be a night of revelry. And, of unmatched passion. Everything went according to the plan. Except, this!

5. OMG! Who’ll Take Care Of The First One Now!


OMG! Who'll Take Care Of The First One Now!
Image: Shutterstock

And when you didn’t plan at all! Haven’t some of you been in this place? Your first born would have just learned to walk without support or starts his/her first words. And before you could celebrate, you’re going to get him/her a sibling now!

6. Will I Be Able To Do It


Will I Be Able To Do It
Image: Shutterstock

Self-doubt and confusion. This is one thing that you’ve been longing for since a while now. And then, the two lines just turned pink making your dream come true. But suddenly, out of the blue, you start questioning yourself – will you really be able to go ahead with it?

7. Way To Go Dude!


Way To Go Dude
Image: Shutterstock

This is when you are totally in awe of your husband. He’s been a great partner to you. You love him to bits and trust him more than yourself sometimes. And this time too, you trusted his potential. He proved you right, didn’t he?

8. Wait A Minute! Let Me Throw Up First!


Wait A Minute! Let Me Throw Up First
Image: Shutterstock

Whoosh! It’s the sound of flushing your vomit even before you could get a closer look at those pink lines. Now you know why those morning sicknesses are called nasty.

Were you able to relate to some of these situations? If nothing else, at least I hope it made you smile. What were your thoughts when you were waiting for those ‘infinite’ seconds until finally, those two pink lines appeared? Share them with us in the comments section below and relive those beautiful/funny moments again!

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