8 Questions All Husbands Have About Periods But Never Ask!

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Husbands are those special being in your lives who love you to the core. Thus, you will often see him accommodating to some of your weird whims and fancies, just to see you smile. However, one thing that leaves him completely clueless is something that happens to you every month. It also makes him equally curious, but he wouldn’t dare ask so as not to wake the lioness in you. Yet, when you groan in pain because of the cramps, he is really concerned and genuinely wishes to help.

So, for the sake of those caring and loving husbands, we are here to give answers to those nagging questions in their minds:

1. What Really Causes Periods

Once a girl hits puberty, the ovulation process kicks in. Which means the ovaries will now start producing eggs. This triggers a series of hormonal changes that prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy by creating a thick uterine lining. When this egg goes unfertilized, it breaks down and exits the body along with the uterine lining, through the vaginal area. This discharge also contains blood and tissue.

2. How Long Does It Last?

This question haunts a husband primarily because he wants to know when he can start lovemaking again. So, the fact is, a monthly period can last between 3 to 7 days. However, every woman has a different cycle and the intensity of the flow determines the duration.

3. How Can Women Predict Their Due Date?

Each woman has a unique body signal that only she can decipher. Most women experience signs of lower back pains, cramps, mood swings, crying spells, and a host of such signs. These signs are also known as PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome). Another reason is that periods, being a monthly affair, make it easier for women to keep a track of their next due dates.

4. How Does It Feel When It Begins?

8 Questions All Husbands Have About Periods But Never Ask
Image: Shutterstock

It is definitely not a happy place to be in. The first days are especially terrible for a woman; more so if it’s a heavy day. Apart from the physical pain, her mood swings are also likely to act up. She may swing from you-dare-not-touch-me to I-need-a-hug mode within a span of a few minutes.

5. Does It Hurt?

Of course, it does! On an average, a woman may lose anywhere between 30 ml to 80 ml of blood throughout the period duration. Losing that much amount of blood is bound to hurt and can render you weak. But women being women, they always manage to spring back! Touchwood!

6. Aren’t Pads Uncomfortable?

8 Questions All Husbands Have About Periods But Never Ask
Image: Shutterstock

Again, yes. But, it is mostly restricted to the first few instances that women try it on. Women soon get used to them. Although good quality pads are thin and comfortable that can hardly be felt; bad quality pads can result in irritation and rashes, not to forget the embarrassing leakage problems.

7. What Can We Do To Make It Easy?

Our best advice: stay away from your wife, don’t provoke or get into an argument. Women generally settle down after the first three days. So, give your spouse the time and space. If possible, share her household chores so that she can put her feet up, literally, and relax for a while. Your wife will definitely appreciate these gestures.

8. Why Do Women Really Have To Get Difficult?

8 Questions All Husbands Have About Periods But Never Ask
Image: Shutterstock

Most husbands feel that women are at an unfair advantage every month due to their periods. This, they believe, gives them the free pass to vent out their frustrations. However, that is not the truth. The fact is, women go through a lot physically, emotionally, and hormonally. So much so that it is nothing short of a miracle that they still manage to hold their families, career, and home and hearth together. Everything goes on seamlessly, like always.

So, all you husbands out there, we hope now you know, and understand, what a woman goes through every month. C’mon, you guys, even the devil gets its due. So, let’s raise a well-deserved toast to these wonderful creations – women!

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