A Letter To Anyone Who Thinks They Are Fat

Written by , BE Jyotsana Rao BE linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Last Updated on

Most women think that they’re fat, even though they’re not. And this thought of not having the perfect body makes them depressed. They feel abandoned and incredibly alone. They start feeling as if they are in a dark hole full of sadness, anger, and confusion. When they pass by people, they feel that they are mocking them, making fun of their fat body.

Such an incident happened with Lindsey Swift. One fine day, when she had gone out jogging with her boyfriend, a man who was driving past commented on her weight. Initially, she felt very annoyed and spent the whole day thinking how someone could comment on her when he didn’t even know her. So, rather than breaking down, she decided to stand up and write an open letter to that man who abused her.

This was her letter to that heckler.


An open letter to the idiot who thought it was ok to heckle me with fat jokes on my run yesterday,Your comment was a…

Posted by Lindsey Swift on Friday, August 7, 2015

As soon as she posted this letter on Facebook, she got overwhelmingly positive responses, and everyone praised her for this act.

There are so many girls out there who receive such comments from random people on a daily basis, and they end up taking those words to heart. That’s not the correct way to deal with such things. Nobody has any right to comment on you or your body. Even if you’re fat, skinny, dark, short, or tall, it’s none of their concern. At some point of time, if you feel you’re overweight, you can always work on it. There’s nothing wrong in wanting to be fit and healthy, but make sure you do it for your happiness and not to please others.

Hope you liked the article. Have you ever experienced any such bitter incident? If yes, how did you deal with it? Share your views in the comments box below.

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Jyotsana Rao
Jyotsana RaoBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Jyotsana Rao is an engineering graduate from NIT, Nagpur, who discovered her love for writing during her undergraduate days. She is passionate about writing about everything related to beauty - makeup, fashion, hairstyles, skin care, or hair care and has 4 years of experience on writing in these genres.

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