8 Relationship Comics That’ll Have You Saying “Ain’t That The Truth”

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

What comes to your mind when I say relationships? Do you get sappy and mushy visuals of two people blissfully living in their cocoon? Well, if you do, there’s nothing to be surprised about then. The world around us has taught us to visualize relationships in that way only. But anyone who has been in a true relationship will have a different story to tell.

Relationships are like a deal you make with your partner that you will stick it out, for better or for worse. We talked to people around us to get an insight into those good and bad days that we all experience in relationships. The result taught us that there are a few moments that almost everyone who has been in a relationship has experienced at some point.

In this article, we have tried to give you a peek at those moments through these hilarious comics, that will have you nodding along while reminiscing about those moments in your own relationship. Want to know more? Scroll down to walk down your memory lane.

1. When Their Presence Works As The Best Cure

You know those days when you are having a bad day at work and nothing is going your way. Or when you’re experiencing horrible period cramps, where you just want to lie down on the bed as you wait for your uterus to consume you (you know, that day when you feel like your uterus has a personal vendetta against you).
Well, on those days your SO’s presence works as a silver lining on the dark clouds. It’s enough to get you to power through the bad days.

2. When They Know How To Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Image: Pinterest

They might be the reason why you have that frown in the first place, but they also know how to turn it around. Whether it’s by getting you your favorite food, or by buying you a bouquet of your favorite flowers — they know all the tricks. They know how to cool you down and it’s pretty effective too!

3. When You Work Your Way Around Their Quirks

Image: Pinterest

People come in different shapes, sizes, and quirks! But when you’ve been in a relationship with someone for quite some time, you come to tolerate and sometimes even adore those quirks. Whether it’s the fact that they hate broccoli, or that they have a mortal fear of spiders, or that they fail to remember the important dates, you learn to work your way around them. You understand that’s how they are wired, and to be honest, it’s NBD (no big deal).

4. When They Find You Beautiful (In Every Scenario)

Image: Pinterest

At the beginning of your relationship you might have been supremely cautious about your looks, and perhaps you are like that even years later. Be that as it may, you need not worry because they find you beautiful in every scenario possible, even when you could use a little more grooming! Just saying.

5. When They Look Forward To Your Milestones More Than You

Image: Pinterest

Your first grey hair, your first wrinkle might spell all gloom and doom for you, but your partner helps in putting a positive spin on these milestones, and they even help you celebrate them. Needless to say, they bring the sunshine into your life. You no longer have to fear biological phenomenon like aging, because they find you hot in any which case.

6. When His Clothes Serve You Better

Image: Instagram @murrzstudio

This one applies specifically to all the girls. It doesn’t matter if you have a wardrobe full of expensive and beautiful designer clothes, your SO’s wardrobe seems more appealing to you. Those baggy sweatshirts, t-shirts have a different charm, and you know that. You take the term “Boyfriend jeans” pretty literally, and you rock it pretty well too! And as for having too many clothes, no girl can ever have enough!

7. When They Take An Interest In Your Interests

Image: Instagram @murrzstudio

When two people enter into a relationship, it’s not necessary that they share each other’s interests or likes and dislike. Sure, a few similarities are present here and there, but a complete overlap of interests is seldom possible. However, as you spend time with each other, and live in close proximity to each other, you start to notice these interests and with time, even appreciate them. And it’s the greatest thing in the world!

8. When You Need To Be Reminded Of Their Love Again

Image: Instagram @murrzstudio

This is perhaps the cutest, yet most relatable and common moment in every romantic relationship. Even though you are in this blissful relationship, there is always that nagging thought at the back of your mind — “Does he find me attractive even now?” Or “Does she still love me”? You worry about these doubts only for them to be quashed by your partner, who often declares their undying love for you, sometimes in the span of a single day!

Could you relate to these moments? Have they happened in your relationship yet? Share your observations with us in the comments section.

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