An Account Of My Student Life And My Victory Over Dull, Oily Skin

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Those three to four years of college are probably the best times in anyone’s life. The adventures you go through as you turn into an adult – from books to coffee shops, many friends and a boyfriend, late night movies, clubs and concerts, a few secrets, and a whole lot of laughs – make you the person you are. But, you need to be ready, always. For, you never know, a plan made on the spur of the moment can weave memories for a lifetime in those hectic years.

Well, as I look back nostalgically at my college days, I fondly remember those fun times I had with friends. Late nights that included a whole lot of chit chat, phone conversations with that special someone that lasted until sunrise, party weekends, passing around chits in the library, poking fun at the nerdy professor, and of course, battling with oily skin.

Yes! I was a victim of dull, oily skin. My T-zone seemed unwantedly shiny all the time. Although natural oils are great for the skin, excess of anything is never good. My face would never look fresh. Within an hour of cleansing, my face would look tired and oily. The occasional bouts of acne only made matters worse. Of course, Murphy’s law always had the upper hand, with a big, painful, red mound erupting just when I had something to look forward to. My biggest concern was always how to control oily skin or how to take care of oily skin. I had tried a whole lot of products, be it creams, ointments, or cleansers for oily skin, but nothing worked for me. Being the absent-minded types, I would forget to use the oil-blotting sheets I carried with me all the time. So, investing in those didn’t help me much either. Quite honestly, I had given up on my skin. No matter what we had planned, I would always look like I was carrying the burden of the world on my shoulders. And quite obviously, I was never the star of the gathering.

But soon enough, one of my hostel girls, who couldn’t bear to see her soul sister suffer in silence anymore, secretly passed on the Clean & Clear Foaming Face Wash to me. At first, I was apprehensive. How could this be any different from the other stuff I had tried? Turned out that this face wash was truly the best face wash for oily skin. In the first couple of washes itself I started to feel the difference. My skin seemed fresher, and with regular use, my skin was oil-free for up to eight hours.

Thanks to this amazing face wash for oily skin, I regained my confidence. Now I could #BeAlwaysReady for just about anything. Of course, I got noticed! I became the lead singer of the college band, owing to which my biggest crush in college noticed me. How cool is that! The best part? This face wash was extremely pocket-friendly, and I quite easily managed to buy it every month without overshooting my budget.

It’s been a few years since college, and I still swear by this mild face wash that not only removes the excess oil but also keeps my skin fresh and healthy. Let me share a simple, yet amazing beauty tip for oily skin suggested by a dermatologist. Use this gentle, subtly fragrant cleanser with warm water to create a rich lather and wash the face twice a day. By doing this, I have managed to completely avoid oily skin. With my skin woes taken care of, I feel more confident and fearless. I am Always Ready with the Clean & Clear Foaming Face Wash. It helps me be the real me – happy and full of life!

Like me, if Clean & Clear Foaming Face Wash has been the hero of your skin story, do take part in the #BeAlwaysReady with Clean & Clear Foaming Face Wash Contest. If your entry is picked, you never know, you could be the new face of Clean & Clear. Log on to the Clean & Clear’s facebook page for more details.

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi
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