7 Beauty Rituals A Bride Needs To Schedule Before Her Wedding Day

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

In my humble opinion, a woman’s wedding day is one of the many momentous days of her life. The others include the day she gets her first paycheck, the day she becomes a mother, etc. However, the thing that sets this day apart from the rest of those days is that, while on the other days she might have to share her limelight with the other (her parents, her kid), on this day all of it belongs to her! Sorry boys, too bad, you don’t get this one.

Now, that we have established the gravity of the situation, let’s get another thing out of the way. With all those eyes on her and all those necks craning to get a better look at her, a bride really needs to step-up her beauty game, doesn’t she? And as we know, all good things take time, so does this.

To make sure that you dazzle everyone with your ethereal beauty on your big day, you need to have a proper beauty regimen in place. While that regimen includes a lot of hard work at your end, (a good diet with less sodium and trans fats to get a lean body with a glowing face, a great workout routine, and strict bedtime) there are some beauty rituals that you can really not afford to miss. Want to know which one I am talking about?
Here, have a look.

1. Dieting: The Right Way

Not all the beauty rituals listed in this list can be done at a cosmetician’s. The responsibility of doing some of these rituals and following up on those lies with you.

Chief among them is creating a diet that works for you. Now that your wedding day is a few months away, forget binging on French fries, and chocolate.

Rather, create a diet that works for you, and include as many fresh vegetables and fruits in it as you can. This would enable you to maintain a healthy weight and also get a healthy, and glowing skin.

2. CTM, CTM, And More CTM

CTM, CTM, And More CTM
Image: Shutterstock

CTM, which means cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. This forms the core principle of a good skincare regime. If you did not have a proper skincare regimen in place before this, you should really get on with it by beginning with this basic routine.

End every day by cleaning your face with a mild cleanser, and follow it up by rubbing a little toner. Lastly, sealing its moisture by applying moisturizer. Do this daily.

3. Hair Management

Hair Management
Image: Shutterstock

Don’t leave your hair woes for last minute. First, go to a salon and get it looked at by a professional. Once they have identified the issues, start the treatment. The treatment can include solutions such as hair spa, or protein therapy. It’s better to begin them in advance so that you get the best results on your big day.

If you want to go for a drastic change such as new hair color, or a new haircut, don’t leave it for the last moment. This is so that you can make some changes, in case you are not happy with the result. Do this 4–5 months before your wedding.

4. Scrubbing And Waxing

Scrubbing And Waxing
Image: Shutterstock

The next part is all about exfoliating. You should schedule at least two sessions of body scrubbing and body polishing before your big day, one at least two months before and another a week before the wedding. You want your skin tone to be even throughout and match the complexion of your face. Also, schedule your waxing appointments accordingly.

5. Facials

Image: Shutterstock

This is to nourish the skin on your face. Visit a cosmetician about three months before your wedding to identify your skin type and address the issues plaguing it. Once you have done it, ask for facials meant to treat them. Get these facials about twice in a month until a few weeks before the wedding. Finally, get a facial 6 days before the wedding, this will give your skin enough time to recuperate and leave you with a healthy glow.

6. Mani-Pedis

Image: Shutterstock

With so much focus on your accessories and attire, you can’t afford to ignore your hands and feet, so remember to schedule a mani-pedi a week before your wedding. In case, you want to go with extensions, do it a few days before the wedding so that you get used to having them.

7. Hair And Makeup Trials

Hair And Makeup Trials
Image: Shutterstock

The last thing on your beauty check-list, but perhaps the most crucial is your trial. Get your hair and makeup trials, at least a month before your wedding day. This will leave you and your makeup artist enough time to work out the kinks, and see what needs to be changed. After all, practice does make one perfect!

There you have it, you go-to bridal beauty checklist! Now that you have it, get ready to slay on your big day! Do you have any other additions for this checklist? Let us know in the comments section.

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