What Are The Causes Of Premature Birth?

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It’s ideal for the baby to grow inside the mother until the due date for its complete development. So, early birth can be associated with several risk factors. Premature birth occurs when you go into labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy (1). A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. Every woman prays for a healthy baby. And if something can be done from our side to avoid complications down the road, we must know what can contribute to premature birth.

1. Getting Pregnant Too Soon After First Child

If you got pregnant soon after your first baby, you are probably at a higher risk of delivering a premature baby (2). You have just had a baby, your body needs time to replenish itself. Your body loses its supply of nutrients after a baby and it has a hard time supporting your second baby. Everything, including your vaginal canal, needs time to rest. It’s best to wait for at least 18 months before you try to conceive again.

2. Smoking

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Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth and it also affects the health of the mother and the baby even after delivery (3). Cigarettes contain nicotine and carbon monoxide which when inhaled can enter your bloodstream. It’s known to cause birth defects, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and lower the oxygen content that you and your baby get. It increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and respiratory problems in babies. If you are a chain smoker and has a hard time quitting, you can enroll yourself in support groups or avoid the company of people who smoke, while pregnant.

3. Drinking Alcohol

Drinking Alcohol
Image: IStock

Stay away from alcohol if you are expecting as you put yourself at the risk of delivering a premature baby (4). It’s best to play it safe and avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy as there are no studies that prove what’s the safe limit on alcohol. If that’s not a good enough reason for you, there are several other reasons to keep clear of alcohol during pregnancy. It can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) that can leave a lasting impact on your little one (5).

4. Having Twins Or More

 Having Twins Or More
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It’s sure an ecstatic and overwhelming feeling to be pregnant with twins. But it can also pave the way to complications such as premature birth and low birthweight (6). If you are having twins, you are more likely to deliver before 32 weeks of pregnancy.

5. Family History

Family History
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The risk of preterm delivery is more if you have already had a premature baby (7). Also, if the mother herself was born preterm, she is at a higher risk of delivering preterm. Another factor contributing to preterm birth is a family history.

6. Health Problems

Health Problems
Image: IStock

Any health problems such as diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or infections need close monitoring as they can cause preterm labor (8). Having high blood pressure can cause complications during pregnancy and lead to preterm labor. Conditions such as preeclampsia occur in pregnant women after their 20th week and can cause preterm labor (9).

7. Usage Of Drugs

Usage Of Drugs
Image: IStock

It’s crucial to avoid using drugs during pregnancy. Whatever you drink, smoke or inject in your body in the form of drugs can cause you to have a premature baby among several other complications and risk factors (10). Avoid all kind of drugs such as cocaine, meth, marijuana, and even over-the-counter substances like alcohol. It can cause birth defects, behavioral problems in children, and several physical and mental problems.

Being pregnant makes you responsible for another little human growing inside you. So, it’s always better to avoid certain things and follow a good healthy lifestyle for the sake of the baby if not you. And for things that are not under your control, with regular check-ups and prenatal care, you will be able to have a safe and wonderful journey to motherhood.

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