Cinnamon Coconut Kefir Water For Vibrant Health

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In a world of instant energizers, how often do we think about health benefits? It’s now time to replace your regular energizer with cinnamon coconut kefir water, an instantly refreshing beverage that has a great taste, is low in sugar, and benefits your health like a magic potion.

Enter the new era of taking care of yourself. Marking the advent of the new healthy epoch is a lesser known drink modestly called cinnamon coconut kefir water. Yes, we all have heard of cinnamon and coconut, and have even sampled the popular flavored water ourselves. But how many of us know about kefir? Kefir is typically a health-boosting fermented drink traditionally made using cow or goat milk and adding kefir grains to it. These are not grains in the conventional sense, but cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria that resemble a cauliflower in appearance. In short, it is a nutrient-rich drink.

When kefir is added to coconut laced with cinnamon, the benefits are tremendous. This unique blend helps in strengthening immunity, fighting off harmful yeast or bacteria, and it has great skin and hair benefits as well. It totally beats your everyday lotions and shampoos with a holistic skin care approach. A tough competitor to yoga, this wonder elixir helps to keep your weight and mood in check, fights depression, flattens your stomach, balances hormones, increases energy, and curbs sugar cravings. Time to let go of your caffeine addiction and switch to something much more powerful!

Cinnamon coconut kefir water can be prepared in several mocktail-like concoctions. Have it like a smoothie or blend it with cold oats. Full of probiotic powers, it is way better than any slim yogurt and best for anyone who is lactose intolerant.

Here’s how you can make it at home:

  1. Add kefir grains to a jar filled with coconut water.
  2. Drop a couple of cinnamon sticks in this mixture and leave it at room temperature for 24 hours.
  3. Once fermented, strain out the grains and the cinnamon sticks.
  4. Refrigerate for a couple of days and your powerful healing drink is ready.

Cinnamon coconut kefir water is the ultimate refresher. It beats all canned juices and lime sodas of the world. Get closer to a nourishing body and a calm mind with every sip.

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