6 Crazy Things That Happen When You’re Pregnant

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The moments leading up to a pregnancy test may be one of total excitement or complete anxiousness. And if you are pregnant, by the time you pee on that pregnancy stick, a lot of incredible things would have already happened inside your body. You may even be one month pregnant. Read on to know the crazy things that happen inside your body before you even take the pregnancy test.
1. When Sperm Met Egg
A woman starts ovulating two weeks before her next menstrual cycle begins (1). This is when the eggs are released from the ovary. Simultaneously, the womb gets ready and prepares itself for the implantations of the embryo (if it happens). If the egg penetrates the sperm, the protein coating around the egg gets altered to prevent further penetration by other sperms. At the time of fertilization, the baby’s gender and genetics get decided. If the Y sperm is the one fertilizing the egg, it will be a baby boy. And if the X sperm is fertilizing the egg, it will be a baby girl. Isn’t it amazing how quickly things happen?
2. Zygote And It’s Adventures
If the egg gets fused with the sperm, they form a one-celled entity- a zygote. The zygote then travels towards the uterus down the fallopian tube (2). It begins multiplying rapidly and stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days. It then passes to the uterus where it still continues to multiply (3).
3. Your Last Menstrual Date Says A lot
Did you know that a woman’s pregnancy is calculated from the first day of her last menstrual date? The development of the fetus may not have begun then, it might be two weeks later. It is really difficult to learn the exact day of conception. And from the time the woman gets her period, the body is getting ready for pregnancy. Hence this method is used (4).
4. Formation Of Heart And Everything Else
By week 4, your baby will be about 1/4 inch long (5). Even if it’s still a tiny dot, a lot of things are happening. The zygote is snuggled on the side of your uterus. It is rapidly multiplying to form different parts of your little one’s body.
Amazingly, your baby’s heart, throat, and jawline are developing now (6). Your baby will have its own blood vessels. So, blood will begin to circulate soon. The placenta also develops to transfer nutrients from the mother to the fetus.
Right now, your tiny tot is called an embryo (7). They get all the nourishment and energy they need from a yolk sac. The embryo is floating inside the amniotic fluid which is inside the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac and the fluid acts as a comfy couch for your baby.
5. Implantation
You might experience slight bleeding or spotting (8). It is referred to as implantation bleeding. It happens when the tiny seed is burrowing into the lining of your uterus. Spotting usually happens for a day or two around the time implantation occurs. Pregnancy begins during implantation. It usually takes place 10-14 days after conception (9). Spotting usually occurs around the time when women are due for their next period. However, it’s important to know that not all women experience spotting during implantation.
Spotting is also considered as an early sign of being pregnant (10). As it occurs around the same time as the next menstrual cycle, women do get confused. Implantations bleeding may look different in color, it can be light pink or brownish in color. And it usually lasts anywhere between a few hours to 3 days. The flow will be comparatively less.
6. The Surge In Hormones
You may feel that your breasts are becoming more tender, sore, and heavy (11). This is caused by the increase in hormones in your body. Interestingly, you will be able to track changes in your breasts around 1 or 2 weeks after conception occurs.
It’s amazing how quickly your baby is developing inside you before you even know it. How long did it take before you knew that you were expecting? Do let us know in the comment section below.

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