7 Dangerous Skin Care Routines You Need To Quit

Written by Shivani K
Last Updated on

Whether our skin is sensitive or not, we definitely are sensitive about our skincare routines, right? We all have a specific skincare routine that we stick to. Each one of our skincare routines involves a series of steps that we carry out to the T. But, have you ever sat down and thought about the skincare routine that you’re following so loyally can do more harm than good to your skin?

For example, did you know that there are wrong ways of washing face too?

We only think that we need is a little bit of water and a face wash, right? But, right from the time you’ve turned on the water tap to wash your face to the moisturizer that you apply after cleansing your face — there can be a lot of mistakes that you might be doing. It is these mistakes that between you and an even clearer, more beautiful skin. We’re giving you a heads up about the common dangerous mistakes most of us make when it comes to our skincare routines. Give it a read.

  • Using Face Wipes

Most of us have the habit of using face wipes to remove makeup from our skin, which is a very dangerous thing to do. If we use face wipes to remove makeup, it’s going to pull and tug your skin. Always remember that cleansing wipes or cloths should be used for emergencies only.

It’s vital to cleanse properly to take care of your skin, especially if you’re a person who wears makeup every day. Use a sulfate-free cleanser and cleanse your face gently in circular motions with it. It will not only help remove makeup, but it will also purify your skin.

  • Using Hot Water To Cleanse
Using Hot Water To Cleanse
Image: Shutterstock

Washing your face with hot water might give you a soothing feeling, but in reality, it’s doing more harm to your skin. This also applies to all those people who think washing face with hot water will help treat oily skin issues.

Hot water can cause blood vessels to rupture, irritation, and also give rise to dry skin problems. Similarly, even ice-cold water is bad. Therefore, make it a point to use lukewarm water to clean your skin.

  • Washing Face Too Fast
Washing Face Too Fast
Image: Shutterstock

You need to love your skin while looking after it. There’s no point investing in an expensive face wash only to clean your face with it like it were a chore and not a self-care routine. Take your time while washing your face — gently massage the cleanser and not scrub it in your face. When we wash too fast, we might miss out on certain parts of our face. Washing it slowly and gently will help us clean all the nooks and corners of our face like the temples and corners of our nose, etc.

  • Loading Your Skin With Night Care Products
Loading Your Skin With Night Care Products
Image: Shutterstock

It’s a fad these days to use night repair serums, night creams, night moisturizers, etc. Stick to maybe just one night serum, don’t mix two-three night serums to reap all kinds of benefits. Remember that only a 0.03 percentage of it is absorbed into our skin. Therefore the more products you mix and apply, the lesser is being absorbed by our skin. The products might just cause a layer on your skin blocking the pores and resulting in acne breakouts.

  • Not Using A Moisturizer After Exfoliation
Not Using A Moisturizer After Exfoliation
Image: Shutterstock

Exfoliation certainly is a very important part of taking care of the skin. It helps remove all the dirt and dead cells from our skin. But, remember to not do it more than twice in a week. And also, always remember to apply a moisturizer after exfoliation. This will seal your skin and hydrate it on a microscopic level. And, hydrated skin appears more supple, radiant, and youthful.

  • Popping Pimples
Popping Pimples
Image: Shutterstock

If you thought popping a pimple will help you get rid of the blemish and save yourself some embarrassment. You’re so wrong! Squeezing or picking at a pimple will expose your skin barrier to bacteria which can worsen the initial problem furthermore. It can lead to serious skin inflammation problems and can even scar your skin. Use ice to soothe the swelling of pimple or consult a dermatologist to treat this problem more efficiently.

  • Not Being Aware Of Skin Product’s Description
Not Being Aware Of Skin Product’s Description
Image: Shutterstock

We live under this mundane attitude that the costlier the product is the more guaranteed its result will be on our skin. This shouldn’t be the way of buying your skincare products. Always make it a point to know what all are key ingredients of the product you are using. Find out if it’s suitable for your skin type or not. This is one of the dangerous skincare mistakes a majority of us end up doing.

We’ve all grown up listening to “do this or do that” when it comes to taking care of our skin. We seldom pay heed to what shouldn’t be done. Is there any other skincare mistake that you know of? Let us know in the comments section below.

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