5 Dangers To Your Child’s Health You Need to Know About

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The first few months you have with your baby are the most wondrous months of your life. Having your baby with you and watching them grow and explore the world around can seem like a miracle. And parents often go out of their way to keep their little one smiling and laughing throughout their childhood. Childhood is a time we all have an emotional attachment to. And although forming good memories is important, it shouldn’t be done at the expense of your child’s safety. Parents wouldn’t do anything to intentionally harm their child but there are certain things that may end up to be way more detrimental than they think. Here are 5 things to keep well out of your child’s reach as they do more harm than good.

1. Baby Walkers And Jumperoos

You may not know this but baby walkers and jumperoos are quite dangerous for your baby. In fact, their proven harm is far more considerable than their positive effect. Did you know that they are banned in Canada? This is because apart from the injuries that babies are susceptible to on a walker, they are also responsible for uneven muscle strength and leg and foot deformation (1). It can also lead to spine curvature due to the heavy load on the baby’s spine. The spine is especially vulnerable as it does not take shape and lacks necessary curves before reaching 1 year old. Besides, your baby’s independent motor skills will be postponed as they will not have any incentive or motivation to walk independently. And as a result of this, a sense of equilibrium and self-preservation does not develop.

2. Juice And Milk

Juice And Milk
Image: Shutterstock

Here’s one you never saw coming. We don’t mean that all juices and milk are harmful for your child. There are obvious benefits to both, but talk caution as there are exceptions here as well. Pasteurized juice, for example, is low in vitamins but high in sugar content which can cause dental problems and obesity in the long run (2). It is recommended to offer only freshly squeezed homemade juice to babies under 1 year old. Similarly, whole cow’s milk is low in iron but too high in nutrients that are unnecessary for the baby. It could end up harming their kidneys (3). A small quantity of cow’s milk can be given to babies above the age of 1 but it’s best to switch it out and replace it with iron and calcium rich foods. Food like green vegetables and fruits as well as eggs which are rich in vitamin D.

3. Bright Toys

Bright Toys
Image: Shutterstock

It’s hard to deny your little one their toys. As your child grows up, they start to explore the world around them and they mimic social attitudes and situations with their toys. Unfortunately, in the modern day, these toys often consist of unnatural colors, electronic sounds and several other details that can have a bad effect on your child’s creative thinking and their ability to form positive character traits. In fact, it deeply influences personality formation in terms of aggressive behavior, groundless fear and even depression (4).

4. Electronics And Other Gadgets

Electronics And Other Gadgets
Image: Shutterstock

We all know that too much time on the phone or laptop isn’t good for anyone, let alone your little child. The blue light from the LED screens can cause retinal damage which can lead to macular degeneration. This can be the main cause of cataracts and blindness at a young age (5). Besides, when a child is sucked into the world of technology, they are deprived of the real world. Important fine motor skills and sensory skills are not being developed well. And having no live interaction can be harmful for the young kids. It can result in the underdevelopment of the frontal lobe which is responsible for speech, personality, communication and decision making (6). So the next time your little one starts whining for their I-pad, drag them out on a walk instead or play a board game at home. Reserve the gadgets for emergencies only.

5. Seat Belts

Seat Belts
Image: Shutterstock

Wearing the seat belt is uncomfortable, and it is annoying to have something pressing down on your already bloated and growing stomach. The solution is simple. Place the belt as low as possible under your abdomen. Try to sit upright while you’re in the car. Leaning forward will put too much pressure on the baby.

Being a parent may not be all sparkles and rainbows but it doesn’t have to be dreary and tiring either. The key is to find balance. There are a lot of fun things you can do that will still keep your child safe. So, is there something we missed out on, on our list? Let us know in the comments section!

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