10 Fashion Styles Of Boys That Girls Absolutely Hate

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

The age-old question, how does one attract a quality mate? Attracting a mate is one of the most primal instincts. The mating rituals of animals range from secreting pheromones (a type of chemical that influences or affects the behavior of other animals, including potential mates) to performing elaborate dances. On the other hand, we humans are restricted to flirting and grooming rituals (and they are hard enough, as it is).

And these grooming rituals are taken especially seriously by guys who are trying to get their beloved to notice them. But sadly, in their bid to impress their lady loves, guys often end up trying too hard, which again backfires. To make sure that doesn’t happen to our readers the next time they fall for someone, we made a list of a few fashion styles, which are bound to leave the girls unimpressed. Here’s what you need to avoid if you don’t want your paramour to run for the hills:

1. Drop Crotch Pants

Be it Justin Bieber or your average Joe, no one wants to see a grown-up man wearing these pants. Not only does the bunched up fabric attract attention to your nether regions, but it is also a reminiscent of the days when you were a toddler and used to wear diapers. And that’s one call back girls do mind. You’re a mature adult, so please dress like it.

2. Upturned Collars

Upturned Collars
Image: Shutterstock

The 90s are firmly in the past, and in keeping with the minimalist vibe of today, one should dress in a sophisticated chic manner. And upturned collars go against that spirit. We know most of the lead actors in Bollywood movies wear their collars in this manner. But, their character in the movie demands it (you can’t be a Munnabhai in real life). Unless you’re dressing up for a costume party where you are going as a tapori, upturned collars are a no-no.

3. Spikes

Image: Shutterstock

If your aim is to impress the subject of your affections then this is one hairstyle you need to steer clear of. While this hairstyle was once a favorite with celebs and reigned as the hairstyle for the cool kids, it has now fallen from grace. Clearly not the way to go if you want to impress the woman of your dreams.

4. Short Shorts

Short Shorts
Image: Instagram

No matter how enviable your legs are, and how much you want to flaunt them, these shorts aren’t the answer. These shorts tend to ride up when the wearer sits down, giving the onlooker a peek of more than what they bargained for. It would be best if you avoid this fashion travesty, if you want your girl to stick around.

5. Slogan T-Shirts

Slogan T-Shirts
Image: Instagram @threadless

There is a time, and place for everything and a potential meet-cute or date is not the place where you want to greet your love interest wearing a T-shirt with an asinine quote. You might think that wearing that shirt makes you look quirky, but that’s not true. On the other hand, it makes it appear that you don’t care about her enough to put some thought into your appearance.

6. Deep V-Neck Shirts

Deep V-Neck Shirts
Image: Shutterstock

Décolletage is one of the most arresting features of the female form, but not such a desired feature in the male form. We mean, to each his own, but if you are out on a date, or even meeting your girl for a casual hangout, we would advise you to forgo wearing this particular article of clothing.

7. Speedos

Image: Instagram @cameronbeasley

While some men are under the impression that this particular piece of swimwear shows off their assets in the best possible way, we are here to tell you that there is nothing as off-putting as staring at someone’s junk. Girls prefer other, more modest, pieces of swimwear such as board shorts so we would advise you to try those the next time you’re lounging on the beach with your lady love.

8. Super-Skinny Jeans

Super-Skinny Jeans
Image: Instagram

Some trends refuse to die, but that doesn’t mean that they are based on sound fashion advice. Besides cutting off the blood circulation, these super-skinny jeggings also highlight every curve, bulge of a man’s body, leaving very little to the imagination. Again, not a very appealing sight for most girls.

9. Socks With Sandals

Socks With Sandals
Image: Shutterstock

Okay, if you wear this, it sends out the message that you’ve given up. Other than looking like a monstrosity, this also makes you look very confused. How? Well, for one, if you found the time to wear socks, I am sure you could squeeze in a couple of minutes to wear shoes as well. And if it’s more of a casual vibe that you’re going for, then just wear the sandals, but don’t wear both together.

10. Crocs

Image: Instagram @crocs

If ever there was a fashion disaster that should never have been conceived of, it has to be this monstrosity. There’s no way you can justify wearing crocs on a date. If you’re looking for comfort, try wearing well-cushioned shoes instead of this.

Steer away from these fashion disasters and you just might catch your beloved’s eye. Do you have any other pieces of fashion advice for guys looking to woo their girlfriends? Let us know in the comments section.

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