4 Food Hacks To Make Weaning Easy

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New mothers are recommended to breastfeed their babies at least for the first 6 months of their lives. Some mothers may have a hard time breastfeeding and resort to bottle-feeding their baby with formula. Either way, the baby is kept on a steady diet of milk for a period of 6 months, after which they slowly get introduced to solids. Milk is important as it nourishes your baby and gives them the nutrients to develop well. However, it is equally necessary to start incorporating semi-solid foods alongside their milk feeds as they continue to grow. This is because their nutritional requirements increase, especially in the intake of iron and zinc. Although breastmilk would still remain their primary source of nutrition during the early stages of weaning, introducing solid foods gradually as a part of their meals will help them take to it quickly. Keep in mind that each baby’s readiness for solid foods will be different and depend mostly on their individual development. It is normal for your baby to take a while to get accustomed to eating solids, so there is no need to worry. Weaning is an important milestone for both you and your baby. Watching them explore new tastes and textures can be a bonding experience. However, there may be some challenges while preparing for the process.

Here are 4 tricks to ensure that weaning is a smooth transitional phase for both you and your baby.

1. Store Your Food

Planning healthy meals every day can be stressful and time-consuming for working parents, so meal prep is the perfect solution. To save time on cooking for your little one, consider cooking baby foods in batches. This is an easy system to follow as long as you cool the food properly and store it away in labeled and dated containers to avoid any confusion. Make sure you finish all the food in your freezer before starting another batch to avoid food wastage.

2. How To Prep Your Food

How To Prep Your Food
Image: Shutterstock

Planning elaborate meals can be challenging and tiresome. Instead, opt for making recipes that cater to everyone. For instance, opt for meals such as mashed potatoes or boiled veggies for the baby as well as eaten by the family. It is important to note that new moms don’t need to prepare different foods for the baby at the beginning of their weaning stage. Instead, let them sample and ease into the taste and feel of semi-solid foods. This will give them time to adapt and you the time to figure out what they like. Introduce a new food every couple of days. This will help you identify the type of foods that may cause allergic reactions and rashes. You can also make life simpler by including foods that don’t need to be cooked or boiled to be pureed. For example, fruits like avocados, bananas, and papayas only need mashing before being ready for your baby’s consumption. For parents who travel with their infants, investing in food pouches and commercial baby food helps with the process. Just make sure to select age-appropriate foods with no added preservatives or sugar, and your baby will be fine.

3. Invest In a Baby Food Maker

Invest In a Baby Food Maker
Image: Shutterstock

Busy parents can also consider investing in a baby food maker. Numerous food makers are versatile enough to prepare food for every weaning stage your baby experiences. This enables your child to have healthy and wholesome food without spending much time preparing meals. Baby food makers are used to steam, blend, defrost, and reheat food at the push of a button. It can produce meals specifically tailored to your baby’s needs and efficiently presented in one jar. There are several kitchen appliances readily available that will make meal prepping easier. For example, getting a juicer or electrical masher and whisk can help you save time and energy. Freeing up the caregiver’s schedule can allow them to spend quality time with their babies and bond with them instead of prepping meals all day.

4. Feed Your Baby Without Fuss

Feed Your Baby Without Fuss
Image: Shutterstock

Introducing solid foods to your baby is initially a messy process. Food is bound to get thrown around or spat out, especially if they’re attempting to feed themselves. Since the majority of the meal may end up on the floor, it is a good idea to invest in a mat or put a plastic sheet underneath your baby’s highchair to make cleaning up easier. Nowadays, there are plastic bibs with scoops available to catch most of the drips and spills. Feeding your baby with just a nappy on is also something to consider. This will reduce the number of stained and dirty clothes and make cleaning your child faster after mealtime.

We hope these hacks and tips help you and your baby have a smooth and happy weaning journey. However, take caution not to overwhelm your baby and take your cues from them. Doing so will ensure that they develop healthy eating habits in the future.

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