9 Etiquettes We Wish All Gym-Goers Would Follow

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

Right, so here we are in 2019, leaving behind the rollercoaster of a year that 2018 was, we have entered a new year with a firm resolution in our hearts — this year we will be better. I am sure just like the many resolutions that we make every year, this year too, self-love and self-care would be a priority for many.

While for many self-love is all about loving the skin they are in, for others it’s about getting in shape and devoting their time in making their body a lean-mean machine! And this article is dedicated to those neophytes who’ve now set their sights on the nearby gym to do just that.

A gym is a public place. However, since it is also a place where we work on our physique in such close quarters, we often forget the public aspect of the gym and start treating it like our own personal space. And it doesn’t just happen to the newbies, but even seasoned gym-goers are guilty of doing this. But don’t worry, we are here to help. We have compiled a list of 9 basic gym etiquettes that everyone, young or old, man or woman, should follow at the gym. Here they are-

1. Clean Up After Yourself

Yes, you would think this doesn’t need to be said loud, but it does. It’s not just polite to wipe down the sweaty seat after a particularly rigorous workout but it’s also a healthy habit. According to a news report, bacteria and virus can live on the gym equipment for days at an end (1). So even if there are no visible sweat stains, don’t think twice before wiping that seat.

2. Put The Equipment In Its Place


Weight training has been the coveted exercise routine among men, and now women are acing it. It is the new fitness fad. But, whenever you use the barbells and dumbbells to your heart’s content, remember to keep them back in their place for other gym members’ use. The gym is not your personal playpen, please don’t use it as such. This rule applies to other gym properties such as towels, yoga mats too.

3. Don’t Hog The Mirror

Don’t Hog The Mirror
Image: Shutterstock

The mirrors in gyms and dance studios are there so that the people can practice doing their exercises and poses in the correct form and not injure themselves. However, they often end up being used by gym-goers for documenting their achievements. Be proud of your achievements, but don’t use the mirror for your private selfie session for the Instagram. #Notcool.

4. Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice


This is the most common mistake most gym-goers commit. It might be that you’re genuinely concerned about your fellow workout mate’s form, and in that case, it’s cool if you advise them but please don’t make a habit of this. Unless and until you see that someone is asking for help or advice, don’t do it. It can come across as intruding on someone’s personal space.

5. Don’t Verbalize Everything

Don’t Verbalize Everything
Image: Shutterstock

We all have that one gym-mate whose grunts and groans leave little to the imagination. This is not to say that you should hold your silence in the gym, duh, we know it’s not a library. But yes, the excessive grunts and groans are a tad too much, so please keep a check on that. You don’t want to put off others from lifting weights.

6. Don’t Commandeer The Aux-In /T.V.


I can’t say this about everyone, but I do have the habit of working out to a particular playlist. It has tracks which I find particularly motivating when I am in a slump, workout-wise. This can be one of the many reasons why some people have the urge to take over the aux-in cable at the gym and play their favorite songs.

While it’s not illegal to do so, it’s not particularly nice too. The polite thing to do here is ask the gym manager or people around you if they are okay with listening to your playlist or watching your favorite channel.

7. Share The Equipment

Share The Equipment
Image: Shutterstock

It might be that you have a set workout routine, with 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill followed by 20 minutes on the Stairmaster. That’s all right, but if you see that the gym is especially crowded, be open to sharing. This will not only make it easier for everyone, but chances are you might make a new workout buddy! After all, sharing is caring.

8. Dress Correctly


We are not being the moral police here, and neither are we turning up our noses at the fact that athleisure is not everyone’s cup of tea. Avoid wearing tights that constantly need to be readjusted or baggy sweatpants that can get caught in gym equipment. Not only will it hamper your workout, but you are also likely to injure yourself. So wear clothing that will allow you to workout comfortably so that you are not a danger to yourself or others.

9. Don’t Make Fun Of Others

Don’t Make Fun Of Others
Image: Shutterstock

A gym is a place where people come with a different expectation for themselves, some are looking to lose weight while others want to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Everyone is at a different stage of their fitness journey and they are trying their best to achieve their goals, so don’t disparage others by making fun of them. Respect the fact that they took an initiative to better their health on their own.

That’s all there is to it, guys. Just remember, your workout shouldn’t turn into an imposition on others. Be respectful and have a great workout!


Do you have any other advice for making the experience at the gym great for everyone? Let us know in the comments.

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