Oiling Your Hail Regularly And Other Hair Fall Myths You Need To Stop Believing Right Now

Written by Shivani K
Last Updated on

Since time immemorial, people have believed in countless old wives’ tales when it comes to these particular topics of concern – hair fall and hair growth.

Does washing hair with cold water prevent hair fall? Do frequent haircuts boost hair growth? These are some of the frequently asked questions when it comes to the topic of hair loss. Hair loss is something everybody, be it man or woman, is worriedabout. It’s a common affliction plaguing almost everyone these days.

What actually causes hair loss? There can be many reasons behind it – lifestyle, hair products, stress, hereditary or genetic factors, so on, and so forth. When it comes to hair fall, instead of finding out the root cause of our problems, we seek recourse in beliefs and myths. There are certain hair loss myths that we consider junk because, obviously, they didn’t work for us. However, there are certain myths that work on a false understanding of our biology. We did some research and put together a list of 5 such hair fall myths that work on false biological logic. Read on to know what they are.

Myth No.1: Oiling Your Hair Can Prevent Hair Fall

Truth: This doesn’t work! In fact, chances are that oiling your hair can exacerbate your hair fall. Applying oil to the ends of your hair might make your hair look shinier and lustrous. But if you apply it on your scalp, on a regular basis, it can be disastrous. Because oil, if it accumulates on the surface of your head (scalp), has the ability to penetrate into your hair follicles, thereby effectively blocking them (1). This results in hair loss. Furthermore, a greasy scalp can accumulate dirt and dust quite easily. It also gives way to acne-related problems. So, the next time somebody says oil your scalp to fight hair loss, you know what to say in defense.

Myth No.2: Cutting Your Hair Will Boost Hair Growth

Cutting Your Hair Will Boost Hair Growth
Image: Shutterstock

Truth: You need to know that hair is nothing but a non-viable tissue. There is no logical, nay scientific, explanation for why hair should grow faster after it has been cut. Also, you need to know that haircuts neither make your hair stronger nor change their texture to make them curlier or straight. The only thing that a haircut does is that it makes your hair look thicker which is mainly because it helps you get rid of the split ends. So, trimming your hair doesn’t affect your hair growth, it only makes it look fuller.

Myth No.3: If You Pluck One Of Your Grey Hair, Chances Are That Multiple Grey Hairs Sprout From The Exact Same Place

Chances Are That Multiple Grey Hairs Sprout From The Exact Same Place
Image: Shutterstock

Truth: We agree with one part of the statement given above i.e. one grey hair usually means there will be more greys in the future. But, mind you, the rest of it is just a myth. Grey hair surfaces on the scalp because of the melanin-producing cells (2). When they stop producing these pigments, the hair tends to become grey. Whether you pluck the grey hair or not, once a grey hair has surfaced, it will multiply, in any which case, with time.

Myth No.4: The More You Shampoo Your Hair The More Your Hair Fall Increases

Shampoo Your Hair
Image: Shutterstock

Truth: The only time our hair fall is visible to us apart from when we’re combing it, is in the shower (when you see the clogged drain). This has given way to the myth that washing your hair repeatedly increases your hair fall. It’s common-sense people, if your hair is weak, it’s definitely going to fall out, irrespective of the place you are in and the activity you are doing. In fact, washing hair at least 3–4 times a week is said to be healthy for your hair. As it keeps the scalp clean and allows your hair follicles to breathe.

Myth No.5: Conditioners Damage Your Hair If Not Used Properly

Conditioners Damage
Image: Shutterstock

Truth: Conditioners are a must these days due to the polluted environment we live in. Conditioning your hair is like shielding your hair with an armor. It protects it from the damage inflicted on it by the pollution. Make it a point to use a mild shampoo to wash your hair followed by a mild conditioner. But remember this – a conditioner should be applied only to the strands of your hair, lengthwise. It should never come in contact with your scalp.

You need to understand that a healthy body also plays a major role in keeping the hair healthy. Therefore, make sure to have a diet that is rich in protein. Also, avoid undergoing chemical treatments or hair procedures like rebonding or perming as they damage the natural structure of the hair.


Now you know what “facts” to ignore in order to keep your hair healthy and lustrous, right? If you know of any other hair myths, share them with us in the comments section below.

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