Beauty DIY: Homemade Toothpaste Recipes

Written by Shivani K Shivani K
Last Updated on

Oral health is something most of us tend to ignore and as a result, we often end up with unpleasant consequences. You have all seen those toothpaste ads that air everywhere right from the television sets at your home to YouTube and other social media channels, right? They all tell us how we could ruin your date with a smelling breath? Well, they’re all right about that. But bad breath can do more harm than just ruining your date. It can lead to critical health problems, including gum cancer.

But what the toothpaste ads don’t tell you is the number of ingredients that shouldn’t be in a toothpaste — sweeteners, glycerin, triclosan, fluoride, surfactants, etc. Presence of even one of these ingredients in your toothpaste can cause harm to your health, maybe not immediately, but definitely in the long run.
Has the thought of making your own toothpaste ever occurred to you? Yes, we’re talking about DIY toothpaste ideas. Making toothpaste in the comfort of your home with the easily available natural ingredients. Doesn’t this sound like the perfect solution to all your molar woes?

Why Should I Make My Own Toothpaste?

If the above question is still ringing in your head(silly you), we’ll lay out the advantages of making your own toothpaste. Here they are:

  • Natural ingredients are used and since you are making the toothpaste at home, you have a better, clearer idea about its ingredients.
  • There are no artificial dyes or colors being used.
  • You’re saving money.
  • It’s children-friendly.

Now that we believe that you’ve understood the advantages of homemade toothpaste, we’ve put together a list of DIY toothpaste recipes for you. Read on and pick your favorite recipe and start preparing your toothpaste at home.

1. Toothpaste Recipe

Image: Shutterstock

Ingredients Required:

  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons of bentonite clay
  • 2–3 tablespoons of filtered water
  • Half a tablespoon of sea salt (use the unprocessed salt)
  • 8–10 drops of peppermint essential oil


  • Take a bowl and add the coconut oil, bentonite clay, sea salt, and mix well.
  • Now add a tablespoon of water to this mixture.
  • With the back of a spoon, mix the paste to get a thick, cream-like consistency.
  • If you think the consistency of the paste isn’t thick enough, add more water.
  • The last step would be to add the drops of peppermint oil and then store it in an airtight container.


The coconut oil contains antibacterial properties that will keep your mouth clean. The clay here works as a cleanser. It has been used for centuries to aid in good digestion (1). The clay also helps to remineralize your teeth (wow!). The sea salt scrubs your teeth naturally, and the peppermint oil will leave your mouth feeling and smelling, fresh.

2. Toothpaste Recipe

Image: Shutterstock

Ingredients Required:

  • A quarter cup of bentonite clay
  • Three tablespoons of calcium powder
  • A tablespoon of baking powder
  • Two tablespoons of mint powder or dried mint leaves
  • One teaspoon of clove powder
  • For freshness, you can use any of these essential oils — cinnamon, peppermint or spearmint


  • This mixture is more of tooth powder and less of a toothpaste (remember the tooth powder we had when we were kids?).
  • Powder the mint leaves in a grinder.
  • This is the fun part. Just put all the ingredients in a bottle and mix them up by shaking them.
  • This mixture, with the proportions we’ve specified, makes up to nearly 3/4th of a pint size mason jar. And this can last up to a month.
  • If you’re wondering how this mixture can last so long that’s because it’s a dry powder. And since there is no moisture involved here, there will be no room for harmful bacteria to grow.
  • You can customize the tooth powder according to your personal tastes. If you want the taste to be strong, you can increase the portions of clove and other herb powders.
  • If you are someone who’s never used tooth powder before, here’s how you do it. Just wet your brush, dip it into the powder, and brush your teeth with it. Of course, you will not get the foaming lather like the kind you get with the normal toothpaste, because it’s all natural.

This Is How You Can Maintain A Healthy Oral Hygiene

Image: Shutterstock
  • Inculcate the habit of brushing your teeth with activated charcoal powder. This will remove all the toxins and will whiten your teeth. Don’t do it every day. Do it once in a couple of days.
  • Brush your teeth with tooth powder or remineralizing toothpaste and rinse your mouth.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a day.

See, it’s so easy to make your own toothpaste at home. In the world of do-it-yourself and all things natural, why leave behind our oral health regimen. Try to go all natural with your oral healthcare as well. If you follow this rule here, you are bound to have stronger and whiter teeth and fresher breath. Have you tried making homemade toothpaste already? Did it work wonders for you? Let us know in the comments below.

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