How Relationships With Siblings Change After Marriage

Written by Jessica Albert
Last Updated on

Relationships change with time and no matter what you do, you cannot really stop this evolution. As you grow older, the relationship that you have with your parents changes. When you have a baby, the nature of your relationship with your partner changes. And, when you get more mature about life, the kind of friendship that you maintain changes. The same way, your relationship with your sibling also changes once they or you get married. I know you don’t want to hear that but, unfortunately, it’s true. This kind of change is inevitable but it doesn’t mean that the love that you all share will become weaker.

You may or may not have experienced this in the past, experiencing it right now, or dreading the fact that you will have to go through it in the future. It need not be a sibling related to you by blood- it can also be someone who you consider as a sibling by heart. Here are some of the most important things that actually change between siblings after marriage, that you can totally relate to:

Sudden Building Up Of Boundaries

You no longer can pillow fight with them and ask them to give you a piggy back ride without wondering what their partner would think. New boundaries will be built even without you realizing it. You cannot just ask your brother or sister to tag along with you for a ride or movie whenever you want. And no matter wherever you both go, their partner is going to be there too.

Sibling Fights Are On A Different Level Now

Sibling Fights Are On A Different Level Now
Image: Shutterstock

When you fought with your sibling before their marriage, there was nobody who interfered except for your parents. Well, now there’s a new person and you really don’t know how much that person can manipulate things between you and your sibling. You may have longer fights than you used to because you don’t get to talk it out as much as before.

You Stop Taking Their Stuff

You Stop Taking Their Stuff
Image: Shutterstock

Once they are married, all their stuff become their partner’s too. You cannot really borrow or steal your sibling’s things as casually as before. If you don’t get along well with your sibling’s partner, something as silly as this can start causing trouble among all the three of you.

You May Feel Abandoned

You May Feel Abandoned
Image: Shutterstock

This is quite normal if your sibling gets married before you do. They have someone more important in their life now and they are trying to build that relationship. Not everyone is good at maintaining the perfect balance between siblings and partner after marriage. This might make you feel that they don’t care about you. If you and your sibling had been really close, there are chances that you might even feel replaced.

The Awkward Third-Wheeling

The Awkward Third-Wheeling
Image: Shutterstock

You may start feeling weird and awkward when you hang out with your sibling and their partner because you start feeling like a third wheel. You may not really get time alone with your sibling at all because their partner is always going to be there. Also, if they had recently gotten married, they’ll be all lovey-dovey in front of you and you may feel that you’re interrupting their private moments.

No matter how many things change after your sibling’s or your marriage, the love that rests deep inside your hearts will never change. Your sibling may not hang out with you as often as before. But he/she will be the first person to come running when you’re in trouble or if you’re hurt. To make things better, consider these changes as challenges and try to respectfully back off when necessary. Try to spend time with your sibling’s partner and bond with them so that you are comfortable with each other. Make sure that you have an open mind to accept the changes in life as they come.

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