How To Get What You Want At The Salon?

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

If I ever have to split from my better half, the only thing for whose custody I would fight tooth and nail would be our hairstylist. Yes, we both have the same hairstylist, but I had him much before the husband! I am sure a lot of ladies reading this aren’t surprised. Finding a good hairstylist is important. Be it getting the exact shade that you want for your global hair color or getting the length of your lob just right — if you and your hairstylist have a great relation and understanding, these tasks wouldn’t feel like such uphill battles that they usually end up being.

If you are also one of those people who often walk into a salon with a particular vision and walk out with a version which is the complete the opposite of that, then this article is the perfect solution to your salon woes. Read on to get great tips that will help you get exactly what you want at the salon.

1. Find A Hairstylist With Whom You Share A Good Equation

Let’s begin this list with the most obvious tip. If you aren’t happy with a particular service that’s being provided to you, doesn’t it make sense to switch the service provider? This is exactly what you should do. If you frequent a salon where the hairstylist or the hairdresser repeatedly fails to understand your needs despite the fact that you were crystal clear about it, then it’s time to switch the salon.

The relationship between a woman and her hairstylist is a special one. For the hairstylist to get your hair needs and your personal style, he/she needs to know what kind of life you lead. Are you always hard-pressed for time? How often do you find the time to visit a salon etc? If you share a good equation with them, then it would be a lot easy for them to get that and they could easily give you the low-maintenance haircut you desire.

2. Always Carry Reference Pictures

Always Carry Reference Pictures
Image: Shutterstock

In the time of Pinterest and Instagram, why are you still depending on verbal communication to convey your vision? There are some people who feel a little embarrassed about carrying around picture references. But you don’t have to, because it is the most fool-proof way of conveying your message to the hairstylist as there is no room for miscommunication. If you want a shoulder-length bob with brown highlights, that’s what you get. Instead of an ambiguous request like “I want to sport shorter hair, shoulder length.” Don’t you know a picture says a thousand words? So, let it do all the talking.

3. Be Clear And Vocal About Your Needs

Be Clear And Vocal About Your Needs
Image: Shutterstock

A lot of us walk into the salon without having a clear idea of what we actually want. We do know is that it’s time for a change but what kind of change, we have no clue. Don’t do this. Don’t just shrug your shoulders as your hairstylist exhausts his laundry list of suggestions. There’s nothing a hairstylist hates more than the statement, “Ya whatever you think is ok.”If you want a breezy hairstyle then perhaps going for corkscrew curls is not the way to go, so be clear about that. If you find a haircut or a color touch-up not going your way, be vocal about it, tell the hairstylist what is not working for you. There’s no point in spending your money on something you didn’t even want in the first place.

4. Be Receptive To Suggestions

Be Receptive To Suggestions
Image: Shutterstock

Just as you need to be clear about what you want, you also need to be open to suggestions. It might be that the haircut that you desire will need a lot of maintenance or that hair color trend that looks so good on the Instagram model won’t compliment your skin tone. And who will know this better — of course, your hairstylist.

They have the skill, the training, and the experience to make that judgment call. In fact, you can work with them to get a more satisfying experience at the salon. Let them know what you are looking for in a particular hairstyle or a hair color. They can give you better options, keeping in mind the latest trends and fads.

5. Don’t Be A Blind Loyalist

Don’t Be A Blind Loyalist
Image: Shutterstock

I know it’s quite difficult to move out of your comfort zone, believe me, I have tried. But don’t let familiarity hold you back when it comes to choosing a salon or a hairstylist. If you have been having a less-than-satisfactory experience at your salon for quite a while, then don’t be afraid to switch it for a better one. It can also be that your needs no longer match the vibe of the salon, such as you need something more low-key whereas the salon has a splashier style. Whatever might be the case, don’t be afraid of making the change.

Following these tips will ensure that your next trip to the salon goes smoothly and you get the hairstyle that you have set your heart on. If you have any other tips that can make our hair salon experience better, share them in the comments section, for the larger benefit of us womenfolk!

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