9 Ways to Help Children Resolve Conflict Effectively

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Did you ever watch your kids play together, and then it suddenly hit you, how much they remind you of Tom and Jerry? As parents, you must have given in to the inevitable fact that—children fight. Unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do about it, and sometimes you just have to wait till their fight is over. And even then you are left with bawling children. However, like it or not, you are the adult entrusted with the conflict-resolving duties for your kids, and now you have to keep them from beating each other up. So, how do you do it? Well, we are here to help. Here are some easy ways to resolve conflicts your kids might have with their friends and siblings. Read on!

1. You Should Assist Them In Naming Their Feelings

Kids have the same feelings as us, but they just don’t have the words to describe it. Instead of processing these feelings within, kids act them out via play, complaining, or facial gestures. Therefore, we must assist kids in recognizing their feelings while they are experiencing conflict.

2. Track Down The Root Of The Issue

Track Down The Root Of The Issue
Image: Shutterstock

Once those feelings have been expressed, it’s crucial to figure out what triggered such a strong reaction. For instance, if an older sibling does not want to socialize with the younger one, it might result in frustration and anger. However, the underlying significance of this is unclear since the younger sibling may feel that their older sibling no longer cares about them or that they have been replaced by other kids at school.

3. Answer Them

Answer Them
Image: Shutterstock

Children need to learn to empathize with others and put themselves in their shoes to better understand how to solve problems for others. They’ll develop better social skills, learn to listen to others as time goes on, and become more in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others around them. Having some dynamics at their disposal can help them prepare to deal with emerging issues.

4. Remember To Put Things Into Context

Remember To Put Things Into Context
Image: Shutterstock

Adults sometimes have no trouble seeing the big picture of a situation. However, it is not the same for a toddler, for whom a disagreement with a pal might feel like the end of the world. Helping them gain perspective will allow them to better empathize with others. They’ll be able to take a step back and consider the bigger picture, other people’s views and emotions.

5. Come Up With A Bunch Of Other Possibilities

Come Up With A Bunch Of Other Possibilities
Image: Shutterstock

This tactic may seem like it would only be helpful in a professional setting, but in reality, it has rather broad applicability. Conflict resolution skills may be honed outside of the workplace as well. For example, once the kid has described the issue, you may use a chalkboard to prompt them to think of three potential solutions. This provides the child with practice of using the strategy and simplifies dispute resolution in the long term.

6. Lead By Example

Lead By Example
Image: Shutterstock

They pick up social norms and skills by watching and mimicking their peers, instructors, and—most importantly—their parents. Remember that their eyes will constantly be on you, so set a good example by teaching them empathy and dealing with difficulties head-on. For this reason, you must be a good model for your children by adhering to the same standards of behavior you expect.

7. Effective Communication

Effective Communication
Image: Shutterstock

Teaching kids how to communicate clearly and confidently can help them in their adult relationships and set them up for success in solving problems. For example, listening to our kids and encouraging them to utilize “I feel…” and other self-reflection expressions may go a long way toward helping them identify and understand their feelings. This might be especially helpful if you have trouble deciphering your kid’s words as a parent.

8. A Sincere Apology Is Worth Far More Than Any Gift Or Reward

A Sincere Apology Is Worth Far More Than Any Gift Or Reward
Image: Shutterstock

It may be challenging to explain the value of an apology to a kid. But forcing a child into saying sorry when they don’t understand why it’s necessary is useless. Without making them do something they don’t want to or don’t completely understand, there are methods to help them realize the value of an apology. Make sure you apologize when you are wrong to help your children learn the value of the word.

9. Follow Up

Follow Up
Image: Shutterstock

Follow-up is essential because it ensures the child absorbs the lesson and indicates that the concern approach worked, even if the dispute appears to have been resolved.

Being a parent also means that you are entrusted with the duties of being a referee. And it is a full-time job as you never know when one of your kids gets mad and throws an object at the other. But also, it’s a part of their childhood, and conflicts are a part of life. So, would you like to add anything to our list? Let us know in the comments section!

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