I Used To Be Lazy – Then I Realized Only I Am Responsible For My Skin

Written by Anjala Farahath
Last Updated on

Have you ever hit the sack and drowned deep into slumber with your make up on? Have you also bravely stepped out into the sun without an ounce of sunscreen on your face and body? If you answered in affirmative, high-five! We belong to the same clan — the clan that ignores personal skincare. Well, my excuse was I was outright lazy and I thought my skin didn’t need extra attention. But, life isn’t a bed full of roses. Three years ago, I had the worst acne breakouts ever. That’s when I decided to change.

What Happens When You Don’t Take Care Of Your Skin

What’s your daily skincare routine like? Do you cleanse, tone, and moisturize? Or do these things seem like Greek and Latin to you? Well, you must have heard this a million times — drink enough water and keep your skin healthy with the 3-step routine of daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. My mother always told me to do this and I saw my friends religiously engage themselves in their skincare routine before bed and in the morning, but I thought all this was a waste of time and money. I preferred waking up and taking a shower with hot water, then apply some basic compact on my face and spice up the look with a good lipstick. But, this wasn’t a happy tale for long.

My skin started crying for help and I would like to think that the tears were in the form of pimples. I had pimples all over my face. And my immediate response to it was to resort to home remedies like applying toothpaste, lime juice, aloe vera, tomato pulp, and almost every other ingredient in the kitchen. Nothing worked and it only worsened.

I Used To Be Lazy
Image: Shutterstock

Soon, my skin also started getting flaky and dry. So, I decided to use a moisturizer but the moisturizer didn’t suit my skin and it left me with more pimples. I finally decided to visit the dermatologist. This is when I had a reality check. My dermatologist told me that my skin had aged so much in my early 20s that it had signs of wear and tear that a 40-year-old would have. I had skin tags, slight wrinkles, sun spots because of unprotected sun exposure, and lots of blemishes. I came back home with a prescription full of moisturizer, sunscreen, and some tablets, and an earful of advice on how to take care of my skin.

How I Took Care Of My Skin

How I Took Care Of My Skin
Image: Shutterstock

I didn’t want to hide my face in pictures and I didn’t want to use layers of makeup to cover my blemished skin. I wanted my skin to look and feel young. After all, I am just 23 and I should look like it. So, if anybody asked me how I changed my skin for the best, this is what I would tell them:

1. Don’t Forget To Exfoliate

Don’t Forget To Exfoliate
Image: Shutterstock

Skin exfoliation is really important. It helps you to get rid of the dead skin and promote collagen renewal. Look for products with salicylic acid, alpha or beta hydroxy acids, (consult your dermatologist before you use any products off the counter). Exfoliating your skin with a mild scrub helps you to take the dirt out of your skin and get rid of dead skin.

2. Never Underestimate The Power Of A Common Sunscreen

Never Underestimate The Power Of A Common Sunscreen
Image: Shutterstock

If you thought that the sun can cause no harm to you and that you are Jaadoo from Koi Mil Gaya who thrives in sunlight, you need to stop and rethink. Even when you are inside your house or driving your car, the UV rays are always around. And the sun is the numero uno cause for skin damage. Hence, protect yourself with a little bit of sunscreen to keep yourself safe from premature skin aging. And apply sunscreen at all times — summer, winter, or monsoon. Because the UV rays are always around like an evil spirit.

3. What You Eat Matters

What You Eat Matters
Image: Shutterstock

Drink your heart away! I’m talking about water. Drinking lots of water keeps you hydrated and also shows the toxins the door out of your body. So, keep a bottle of water handy wherever you are going and also include leafy green veggies in your diet. Make your diet more alkaline and supplement it with vitamin D3 and lots of fiber.

4. Sleep And Make Up Don’t Go Well Together

Sleep And Make Up Don't Go Well Together
Image: Shutterstock

I get it that we all want to wake up looking like we’re ready to take over the ramp, but we can’t wear makeup to bed, right? I know that the #IWokeUpLikeThis hashtag is quite the rage now, but sleeping with your make up on can just block your pores, and trap the bacterias inside. This leads to a bacteria build up and then eventually paves the way for breakouts. Always use a makeup remover or baby oil to wipe your face clean and then get the ZZZs.

5. Kick-Start Your Skin Care Regime

Kick-Start Your Skin Care Regime
Image: Shutterstock

Irrespective of what your skin type is, the ground rule is that it needs care. Get yourself in the habit of a routine that nourishes your skin from within. Cleanse it, moisturize it, tone it, and nourish it. This can help you deal with concerns like blemishes, dark spots, and scarring. Follow the basic routine every morning and evening.

After a panic attack and a few thousands spent at the dermatologist, I realized that skin care is not a one-stop-shop. I’m still trying to cultivate the habit of taking care of it. But, It’s important to give it enough attention so that you don’t complain about looking like an oldie when you’re really just a teen in a hoodie. But, remember that skin care is not one size that fits all. It’s trial and error.

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