Your “I Will Love You” Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Love is an exhilarating feeling. Once you fall in love, there’s no turning back and you know you’d rather feel the same way for the rest of your life than be loveless in any sort of way.

However, as unconditional as love is made out to be by popular media, it is still pretty much a delicate thing. It’s prone to ending if you take it for granted and don’t give it the respect and care it deserves.

So, when does love end for different zodiac signs? What’s every sign’s love threshold? What is the breaking point where “until” comes right after “I love you”? We will reveal that to you in this unique article!

Aries: “I Will Love You Until You Stop Challenging Me.”

As crazy as that may sound to you, Aries love a challenge. The zodiac sign of the God of War, you need to give them something to fight for, something to conquer or they’ll get bored pretty quickly. So, keep challenging them and making them want you always!

Taurus: “I Will Love You Until You Break My Heart.”

Taurus “I Will Love You Until You Break My Heart.”
Image: IStock

Taureans are sensitive, which means they get hurt easily. So, if you hurt them once with harsh words or severely negative criticism, their love for you is going to end. That said, they make for very stable and reliable partners, so if you must criticize them, find a gentle and creative way of doing so.

Gemini: “I Will Love You Until You Try To Fool Me.”

Gemini “I Will Love You Until You Try To Fool Me.”
Image: IStock

The two-faced sign is known to be the smartest, quite enjoying their rank as the king/queen of deception. They like to play games and outsmart everyone else who tries to play mind games with them. However, if their beloved is trying to fool them, they will end things with a vengeance!

Cancer: “I Will Love You Until You Leave Me.”

Cancer “I Will Love You Until You Leave Me.”
Image: IStock

A simple lot, for Cancerians, what matters the most is your company. They are also kind of possessive and crave emotional security, which is why they love spending so much time together. So, if you abandon them and make them feel unworthy of your love, they will walk away for good and never return.

Leo: “I Will Love You Until You Make Me Seem Stupid.”

Leo “I Will Love You Until You Make Me Seem Stupid.”
Image: IStock

For a Leo, public image means a lot and they love being appreciated. So, if you want them to love you forever, don’t ever dare to make them look like a fool. Especially by bringing up their insecurities. Do that and they’ll be long gone.

Virgo: “I Will Love You Until You Lie To Me.”

Virgo “I Will Love You Until You Lie To Me.”
Image: IStock

Associated with Mercury, Virgos value the truth more than anything else. They have immense self-awareness and are even deeply aware of the goings-on around them at all times, which makes them master observers. Never try to lie to them. They will detect it instantly and will not act favorably.

Libra: “I Will Love You Until You Disrupt My Peace.”

Libra “I Will Love You Until You Disrupt My Peace.”
Image: IStock

Peacemakers at heart, Librans are diplomats who are always trying to resolve conflicts. They have high tolerance levels and will put in maximum effort to make their relationships work. However, if you try to cause too much trouble and disrupt their life, they will throw you out.

Scorpio: “I Will Love You Until You Start Hiding Things From Me.”

Scorpio “I Will Love You Until You Start Hiding Things From Me.”
Image: IStock

Transparency and honesty are two values that Scorpions treat with the highest regard. They are completely capable of dealing with the harsh truth, which is why they are not fond of lies and secrets of any sort. If they detect dishonesty from you, they won’t stay with you for long.

Sagittarius: “I Will Love You Until You Start Bringing Me Down.”

Sagittarius “I Will Love You Until You Start Bringing Me Down.”
Image: IStock

A zealous lot, being the children of Zeus, Sagittarians can get quite mad easily. They look for unchained optimism in their partner as they are ambitious and want someone who believes in them and their vision. If you’re not the kind, you won’t be in their life.

Capricorn: “I Will Love You Until You Give Up On Yourself.”

Capricorn “I Will Love You Until You Give Up On Yourself.”
Image: IStock

Capricorns don’t just fall in love with anyone. They fall for those who have a zest for life and constantly work towards bettering themselves. With a Capricorn, you cannot ever think of giving up. If you do, they will give up on you.

Aquarius: “I Will Love You Until You Stop Surprising Me.”

Aquarius “I Will Love You Until You Stop Surprising Me.”
Image: IStock

When Aquarians fall in love, they fall in love with your idiosyncrasies and uniqueness. As a result, they don’t ever want you to lose sight of these things. However, if you do and, hence, stop surprising them in your own little ways and start being like others, they are not going to stay.

Pisces: “I Will Love You Until You Stop My Progress.”

Pisces “I Will Love You Until You Stop My Progress.”
Image: IStock

Dreamers at heart, Pisceans never stop aspiring to achieve what they want to. They travel a lot and constantly look for inspiration in their partner. So, they will leave if you do not motivate or inspire them in your own ways.
Sometimes, even love has a shelf life. But that’s good as it prevents you from ending up with someone who doesn’t deserve you. So, make sure you only invest yourself in the right one!

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