What You Need To Realize If You Don’t Like Being Single

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

Fear of loneliness is a universal fear, no matter how vehemently you deny it. But is being single such a bad thing as it is made out to be? Should you really be ashamed of your single status or be made to feel like a social outcast for it? Well, I don’t think so. Putting the stigma aside, I would like to tell you that there is no shame in being single.

Sure, man is a social animal, who thrives and makes progress in the company of other fellow humans. But it is not a necessary condition for your existence. If you are one of those single fellow humans who are reading this, I have a few tricks up my sleeve which might make you fall in love with your life once again. Don’t believe me? Read on and see for yourself.

1. First And Foremost, Be A Good Partner to Yourself

Don’t look for a significant other to complete you. That is, giving someone too much power over you. Instead, learn to be on your own. Want to watch a movie and can’t find anyone to go with you? Go by yourself. Love theatre? Go catch a play or attend a theatre workshop. Once you do that you will realize how exhilarating it is to do things on your own. To be your own boss. You get to call all the shots. Learn to take singledom as a boon and not the bane of your existence. So go forth, enjoy that Friday by turning yourself in early and binging on Netflix and bid farewell to FOMO.

2. Take This Time To Get To Know Yourself

Take This Time To Get To Know Yourself
Image: Shutterstock

Being single is not a curse. Think of it as an opportunity and take this time to get to know yourself. Take this time to discover yourself as a person, get to know your likes and dislikes, see what they are motivated by. Work on your strengths and weaknesses, use this time to better yourself. Work towards a better, upgraded 2.0 version of you, if you will.

3. Not All The Good Ones Are Taken

Not All The Good Ones Are Taken
Image: Shutterstock

Contrary to popular opinion there is no time limit or expiry date to falling in love. We are available in all shapes, sizes, and colors; we even have our very own unique USPs. So no, there is no sell-by-this date on the good ones. In fact, if you are reading this, then it is a perfect illustration of this point. You are a smart, talented, and wonderful human being, and you are still up for grabs! So how can it be that all the good ones are taken?

4. Be Grateful For What You Do Have

Be Grateful For What You Do Have
Image: Shutterstock

I know, I know, it sounds pretty cliche but it is true. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, concentrate on what you do have. Do you have a loving family? A wonderful friend circle? An exciting job? A passion that you follow? All these are things which enrich your life in more ways than one. Focussing on these will make your outlook more positive. It will create a positive aura around you which can be great for potential dating opportunities. After all, no one wants to go out with a naysayer, right?

5. Give Back To Others

Give Back To Others
Image: Shutterstock

While we understand your predicament and sympathize with you, sitting in a corner and feeling sorry for yourself won’t do you any good, will it? Those Valentine’s Day sale reminders bother you? So what if you don’t have a significant other to buy a gift for, buy a few gifts for those who cannot afford to indulge in such luxuries (or just be Madhuri Dixit from Dil Toh Pagal Hai and gift yourself a couple of goodies). You can also volunteer at orphanages and old age homes and share your good fortune with others. If fortune is something that is difficult to share, go ahead and show some kindness. It will make you feel good and also tilt the scales of luck in your favor. After all, as you sow, so shall you reap, right?

6. Don’t Give Up Just Yet

Don’t Give Up Just Yet
Image: Shutterstock

It might be that you have been looking for the “one” for a long time now and you find yourself at the end of your rope. But I want to tell you, don’t give up just yet. You have all the time in the world to find him/her. You never know they might just be around the corner. Don’t lose heart, believe in yourself. You are a worthy human who is definitely capable of love and you will find it too! Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s too late or that you missed your shot.

What You Need To Realize If You Don’t Like Being Single

Did these tricks and tips give you a reason to smile yet? Remember, the key here is patience. You are a gem of a person who deserves the world. And it is not easy to find the right guy or gal for such a person, right? After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day! Be willing to wait for the right person, don’t settle for the first guy or gal who comes your way. All good things take time, and let things take their own course.

Are you single too? What is it that you like or don’t like about being single? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments section.

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