These Examples Of Karma Prove That What Goes Around Really Does Come Around

Written by Rachana C
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Have you ever ruled out the saying, “What goes around comes around,” calling it cliched? Here are 5 instances that prove this cliche is for a reason. You are going to eat your words after reading about these 5 instances where karma decided to work instantly.

 #1 I take an auto to go to the office every day. On one such day, the auto fare was 400, and I had given a 500 note to the auto guy. The auto driver gave me the change, and I kept it in my pocket without seeing how much he gave. His auto was still parked near my office. I went into the lift and put my hands in the pocket. Somehow, the note felt different. When I saw how much it was, I realized he had given me the 500 rupee note back instead of 100 rupees. I could have gone back and returned the money but went to work instead. Minutes later, I realized that I left my phone in the auto rickshaw. I hurried back to the parking place. The rickshaw guy had left by then.

These Examples Of Karma Prove That What Goes Around Really Does Come Around
Image: IStock

 #2 There was a dentist named Dr. Michael Mastromarino who robbed corpses of bones and tissues and that too, from funeral houses. He ran a $4.6 million business purely by selling bones and tissues that were further used to repair tendons and ligaments, fix fractures, and as veins for bypass heart surgeries. However, he was busted and sent to the prison. It was when he was 49 years old that karma backfired. While he was still in jail, he died of metastatic liver cancer that spread to the rest of his organs including the bones.

These Examples Of Karma Prove That What Goes Around Really Does Come Around
Image: IStock

#3 I was working on my project and happened to discuss the topic with a classmate of mine. A week later, I realized she had copied my content saying it was her original idea and it was me who copied from her. One month later, I was awarded an ‘A’ for my thesis while she was stuck in the rain and couldn’t make it to the exam hall. She was detained for one whole year for missing the project submission.

These Examples Of Karma Prove That What Goes Around Really Does Come Around
Image: IStock

#4 I had gone on a trip with my brother. There was a group going on the same highway. They looked like they were younger than us and it was quite apparent that they did not have much experience in highway driving. They rammed into our car! Although my brother and I were safe, there was a huge dent on the right side of our car. They fled without stopping. We stopped for a while but continued driving since it was not safe to stop on highways. A few miles later, on the same highway, my brother and I saw a car that had bumped into a big rock. We realized it was theirs.

These Examples Of Karma Prove That What Goes Around Really Does Come Around
Image: IStock

#5  I had taken the last local while traveling home from the office. It is usually the most crowded one. I was exhausted and sleepy, but an old lady was standing next to my seat. I didn’t have the heart to make her stand. She was also carrying her grandson in her arms. I gave her my seat. A week later, I was going home in the same local train with three bags in my hand. This time, a young boy gave his seat to me. He also helped me by passing me the heavy bags after I got down at my station.

Isn’t it a nice idea to stop and think before acting? For, what goes around actually comes around – either with or without your knowledge. What do you have to say about karma? Any stories to share? Comment below to share them with me.

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Twenty seventeen says Rachana Chandrasekhar is a content writer at IncNut Digital. Of course, twenty twelve thought she'd be a vegetable vendor in an Italian countryside. Don't be too overwhelmed if twenty twenty finds her basking in the raptures of driving the fastest car on some obscure racing course.

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