This Is The Lucky Gemstone For Your Birth Month!

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A lot has been studied, discussed, and said about the relation between the position of the planets at the time of one’s birth and one’s choices, fortune, and personality. This study is popularly known as astrology – a well-known science that has been around for centuries and, fortunately, still hasn’t lost its charm. To complement this age-old science there is yet another science that has been around for long, but has gained a lot of popularity recently, and that is gemmology.

Gemmology is the science of gems or, in other words, precious stones. Often, we have stumbled upon news of a celebrity strutting a ‘certain’ precious stone because of some reason that is not spoken but isn’t too hard to guess either. Each gemstone possesses a unique colour, specific gravity, refractive index, hardness, and other properties that make it one of a kind. Also, interestingly, each gemstone signifies a planet. No wonder why then, when things don’t go as per plan in your life, you are advised by the elders to shun a gemstone or begin wearing another.

We all know that our birth month has a lot to say about the way we are and the way we are perceived. We also know that gems signify the planets, and planets, in turn, influence our lives. But did you know there is a lucky gemstone for every birth month? Read on to know more!

1. If You Are Born In January

People born in January are perseverant and they like to pick their own path. They are highly driven and most often are very successful and strong-willed people. They are born leaders and are great in imparting knowledge. They have great work ethic and are usually frank.

Lucky Gemstone: Garnet.

2. If You Are Born In February

2. If You Are Born In February
Image: Shutterstock

People born in February are loyal and honest. They have a thing for travelling and adventure. They are a creative lot and anything new and challenging gives them a kick.

Lucky Gemstone: Amethyst.

3. If You Are Born In March

3. If You Are Born In March
Image: Shutterstock

People born in March most likely are shy and quiet. Such people are creative, imaginative, and they love ruminating in solitude. They are kind and gentle souls. They guard their private affairs fiercely.

Lucky Gemstone: Aquamarine.

4. If You Are Born In April

4. If You Are Born In April
Image: Shutterstock

People born in the month of April are very sensitive and brave souls. They can be very tough enemies, but at the same time great friends too. They are absolute aces when it comes to seduction and they value relationships a lot. They are of the sporting and adventurous mindset, while on the flip side they make a very impatient and restless lot.

Lucky Gemstone: Diamond.

5. If You Are Born In May

5. If You Are Born In May
Image: Shutterstock

People born in May are social animals, full of energy and enthusiasm. They are very good at communication and convey their feelings well. They seek new ways and means to keep their minds engaged as they get bored very easily. On the flip side, they are a stubborn and unpredictable bunch.

Lucky Gemstone: Emerald.

6. If You Are Born In June

6. If You Are Born In June
Image: Shutterstock

People born in June are most probably shy, empathetic, and soft-spoken. These are great qualities to have and people love that about them. They care for others and help others. But they do not express their feelings well and prefer to be like a closed book to the outside world. People born in June are creative and driven to shape their ideas into reality.

Lucky Gemstone: Alexandrite.

7. If You Are Born In July

7. If You Are Born In July
Image: Shutterstock

People born in July are quite like the ones born in June. However, they are more open to socializing. They too opt to keep their feelings private and often they hide their pain from others. They’re also a very energetic lot who make great company!

Lucky Gemstone: Ruby.

8. If You Are Born In August

8. If You Are Born In August
Image: Shutterstock

August born people prefer to keep their feelings wrapped up inside. They are big-hearted people with a bossy streak and that makes them great leaders. They are perfectly suited for careers that need critical thinking and analytical skills.

Lucky Gemstone: Peridot.

9. If You Are Born In September

9. If You Are Born In September
Image: Shutterstock

People born in this month are high on principles and are most often proven perfectionists. They can get easily put-off when someone doesn’t comply with their expectations. At times they get stubborn, but by and large they are sensitive, caring, and imaginative people.

Lucky Gemstone: Sapphire.

10. If You Are Born In October

10. If You Are Born In October
Image: Shutterstock

People born in October are a talkative, social, and fun-loving herd. They are positive and harmonious in nature and usually avoid conflicts.

Lucky Gemstone: Tourmaline.

11. If You Are Born In November

11. If You Are Born In November
Image: Shutterstock

November born people are secretive in nature. They are often stubborn and almost unstoppable. They are a fearless bunch of people who hate to be told what to do.

Lucky Gemstone: Topaz.

12. If You Are Born In December

12. If You Are Born In December
Image: Shutterstock

People born in this month are modest and gallant souls. They are always on the go as if they possess wanderlust. They are a bubbly and very interesting set of people. On the flip side, they have an ego that can be hurt quite easily.

Lucky Gemstone: Turquoise.

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