Moms Describe Their Baby Bumps in Just 3 Words

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Your baby bump is probably the first thing everyone notices when you are pregnant. Even if you managed to keep it a secret for quite a while, once you start showing, it’s out in the open! Your waistline starts to increase, while also making you realize that you have a baby growing and developing inside you. Your belly is their first home, isn’t that amazing?

A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to talk to some pregnant women and ask them what they thought of their pregnant belly. While many were worried if their belly would go back to normal and if the stretch marks would fade away, they were also over the moon about their growing baby. With each month, they realize something new about their pregnancy or their baby. Like, how one of my friends, Radhika wasn’t able to see her toes once she hit her third trimester. Or when Naja, who was pregnant with twins, had a kick marathon in her belly two weeks back. Or how Vedika’s belly got her out of a parking ticket at one point. You feel like you have a whole world inside you when your belly starts showing. And what justice would it be if we didn’t give it the limelight it deserves. Here’s a list of how moms-to-be like to describe their baby bump in just three words. Enjoy!

Peekaboo With Toes

“Have you ever been in a situation where you cannot see past your baby bump? I couldn’t find my toes because of my huge belly. I have to sit and keep my feet up to have a glance at them,” says Naja. I’m sure most moms know what she is talking about. I remember getting a nice pedicure for myself when I was pregnant and painting my nails in sandy beige color and later feeling frustrated as it was impossible for me to see my feet. There were days when I started missing my toes, as strange as it may be.

Cute Giant Potato

Cute Giant Potato
Image: Shutterstock

Once you are fully pregnant, you really start loving the giant ball your belly has become. My friend, Sushmita says she even bought a couple of bodycon dresses because she loved the idea of highlighting her baby bump in those outfits.

Proud And Awkward

Proud And Awkward
Image: IStock

“It brings out a mix of emotions in us. While we are beaming with pride one minute, the next minute we become awkward as hell because of our giant belly. It’s hilarious how our baby bump makes us feel at times,” says Vedika.

Personal Crumb Tray

Personal Crumb Tray
Image: IStock

Ananya uses her belly for multiple other purposes. This is what she has to say…

“One of the perks about having a giant belly is it lets nothing fall to the ground when I eat. Imagine how hard it would be when you are sitting in your couch with your bucket of fried chicken and you drop a few crumbs on the floor? Try bending with your giant belly to pick it up. It’s an impossible task in my opinion and would take me forever. But thanks to my giant belly, it catches everything!”

Frustrating At Times

Frustrating At Times
Image: Shutterstock

One honest mama Shilpa was brave enough to tell it like it is to all fellow mothers out there. Things sure are easy when you don’t have a giant football holding you back when you drop your keys or when trying to put on your seat belt or simply getting out of your chair. There’s no denying that our belly comes in the way at times. And also, hormones play all sorts of cruel games making you laugh one second and cry the next.

Little Human Incoming

Little Human Incoming
Image: IStock

Our first-time mama, Radhika is fully pregnant and due next week. She feels like her baby will pop out any minute now. She says her baby is all she can think about nowadays wondering if her baby would have her husband’s curly hair or if it would have her smile and teeth. But most of all, she hopes her baby would be healthy and happy and gives her short and easy labor- LOL.

Has your belly started showing yet? We would love to hear how you would describe your baby bump in 3 words. Feel free to share it with us in the comment section below.

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