7 Must-Know Facts About Childbirth That Can Take You By Surprise

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There is far too much to know about childbirth. It’s because a) it is an amazing and complex phenomenon, and b) there are plenty of different explanations, beliefs, and opinions. To help you out, we have put together a few facts you need to know about childbirth. Trust us, they will come in handy!

1. Movies Guide You Wrong

Movies Guide You Wrong

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Movies, TV shows, and even books provide inaccurate impressions of a woman’s water breaking and the process of labor. They make it look quick and fairly straightforward when the woman’s water breaks with a gush, the husband goes into a panic, and they both rush to the hospital. In real life, when the water breaks, it’s a continuous trickle, not a tap, and there is no rush! The baby won’t come out then and there; it’s a long, painful, and difficult process.

2. Due Date Or Due Month?

When professionals pick out your due date, it’s simply a prediction or an educated guess that isn’t necessarily accurate. Full-term pregnancy ranges between 37 to 42 weeks, which means most babies are born before and after the due date. Don’t think of the given due date as a guarantee, think of it as a due month to make it less specific.

3. Epidural Isn’t The Only Answer

There are many sides to an epidural, which you must know all about. An early epidural can slow down the pregnancy process, which might require medical intervention. However, an epidural after a long labor can speed things up. If you’re against an epidural altogether, there are other ways to make you feel better during labor. For example, you can change positions or customize your breathing patterns; whatever makes you feel comfortable.

4. Different Doctors & Different Beliefs

Doctors vary in their opinions, beliefs, and explanations, especially when they make decisions based on you, as every patient is different. Some doctors are very active in the labor process by involving medicines or fetal monitoring. Other doctors may let the process occur without much intervention. Your experience depends on who’s taking care of you, so ensure you are both on the same page!

5. Induced Labor

Induced labor occurs when your doctor or practitioner uses medication and other techniques to “induce” contractions, and can augment or speed up the labor process. The medicine used is Pitocin, which is the same hormone your body creates to cause contractions. However, induced labor can increase the odds of a c-section. Pitocin requires monitoring, which means you can’t move during labor, so try to avoid it unless it’s necessary.

6. Relax & Be Patient

Relax & Be Patient

Image credit: giphy.com

As we mention above, there’s no rush to get to the hospital once your water breaks, even during bad contractions. A guideline women should follow is to time the gaps between contractions, so you know when you have to rush. If your contractions are 4 minutes apart, 1 minute long, and have remained that way for an hour, then make your way to the hospital. Prior to that, don’t panic, just relax and listen to your body.

7. A Good Experience

Having a good or bad labor and delivery process doesn’t depend on an epidural or anything along those lines. According to surveys, mothers said that a good experience depends on if you’re treated with kindness and respect, and how third parties make an extra effort to make you feel more comfortable during a vulnerable time. Apart from that, it is important not to have unrealistic expectations. Ensure you have a good understanding of what you will go through, what is in your control, and what isn’t, because keep in mind; there is no such thing as a perfect or imperfect birthing process.

Helpful and useful facts, aren’t they? We think so too! Let us know if there are other important facts we should know.

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