8 Myths About Juice You Need To Stop Believing

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh facebook_iconinsta_icon
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Juices have always been subjected to several myths in the past. People always seem to wonder whether juices are healthy. Does a freshly squeezed glass of juice help to lose weight? Can you substitute your breakfast with a glass of juice? If you are curious to know the answers to these questions, you are in the right place. Below are 8 different myths that you should not believe about juices.

Myth 1: Pineapple Juice Promotes Weight Loss

Many people believe that drinking pineapple juice helps burn fat because pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain (1). However, bromelain is only found in the stem of the pineapple that people do not seem to blend into the juice due to its lack of flavor or texture. Furthermore, bromelain is used to break down proteins, not fats. It is a useful enzyme in the process of digestion but not useful in losing weight. Pineapple juice is still beneficial to consume since it helps clear blood vessels, reduce swelling, and improve memory.

Myth 2: A Glass Of Juice Is Equivalent To A Kilogram Of Fruits Or Vegetables

Many people believe that juice is better than the fruit or vegetable that it is derived from because it provides our body with essential nutrients in a form that is easy for our body to absorb. However, juices lack essential nutrients such as fiber that are disregarded in the process of making juice. Fiber helps ease the digestive process and cleanse the body of toxins. This is why it is very important to eat your fair share of fruits and vegetables.

Myth 3: Store-Bought Juice Is Equal To Fresh Juice 

Myth 3 Store-Bought Juice Is Equal To Fresh Juice
Image: Shutterstock

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of enzymes and organic water that are essential for the growth and development of the human body. If you opt to buy store-bought juices, you are not going to get the same result. This is because bottled juices contain preservatives and undergo thermal processing that kills these useful enzymes. Furthermore, the valuable organic water present in fresh fruits and vegetables is mixed with water from other sources, thus reducing its purity down to the level of tap water.

Myth 4: Fresh Juices Promote Weight Loss 

Freshly squeezed juices contain high levels of sugar such as fructose. The body does not need so much sugar. Therefore, it cannot be used as a source of energy and is stored as fat instead. This means that consuming too many glasses of fresh juices can actually lead to weight gain. There is one fruit in particular that contains an extremely high concentration of sugar – grapefruit. If you are looking to consume juices as a method of losing weight, you should absolutely avoid grapefruit juice as 100 ml of this juice contains 29 grams of sugar.

Myth 5: Nectar Is Equivalent To Juice

Nectar is actually only part juice. Nectar is made from fruits that are not very ‘juicy’, such as mangoes, bananas, and peaches. It is made by mixing juice with water and/or sugar syrup. Nectar drinks should be consumed in moderation since they are rich in sugar and may lead to weight gain.

Myth 6: Water Can Be Substituted With Juices To Quench Thirst 

Myth 6 Water Can Be Substituted With Juices To Quench Thirst
Image: Shutterstock

Juices are made up only partly by water. Only pure water can quench thirst because when you are drinking water, you are drinking the amount your body requires to use in various processes. Juices contain several vitamins and minerals along with sugars, calories, water, and other nutrients. This means that drinking the equivalent amount of juice to that of water will not provide your body with a sufficient amount of water. This is because our body perceives juice as food since it contains calories. In short, juices are for ‘eating’ and water is for ‘drinking.’

Myth 7: Fresh Juices Have A Long Shelf Life

Sunlight, air, and lengthy periods of storage can cause the vitamins to break down. Fresh juices are not the same as bottled juices since they do not contain preservatives. This means that they should be consumed immediately or else they are useless. At most, you can store fresh juices in the fridge for a couple of hours before it starts to change color and taste, making it inedible.

Myth 8: A Glass Of Fresh Juice Makes For A Good Start To Your Day 

Myth 8 A Glass Of Fresh Juice Makes For A Good Start To Your Day
Image: Shutterstock

People are under the misconception that a big glass of juice can be used as a substitute for breakfast. However, doctors strongly recommend against drinking juice on an empty stomach. This is because the acidity in juices can mix with the acid in your stomach and damage the lining of your stomach wall.

Juices are very beneficial for your body since they provide you with several nutrients and vitamins in a form that makes it easy for your body to absorb them. However, they should still be consumed in moderation as anything in excess can cause harm to your body.

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