Second-Born Children Are More Likely To Be Rebellious

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If you are a parent to more than one kid, you have probably already marveled upon how different they can be from each other. Maybe, one of your kids is just too calm, while the other one is too mischievous to handle. One of your kids is just an inch away from being a cleanliness freak whereas the other one is the exact definition of messy. Or it can just be as simple as how one of the kids never fusses about food while the other one doesn’t stop complaining.

After having their first child, most parents assume that having a second one is going to be exactly the same. But, then the second kid comes along and pours water all over their expectations. They somehow manage to keep their parents on their toes all the time with their entirely different nature and traits. However, new research has shown that the differences, when it comes to the second-born child, are much more significant than what meets the eye.

According to a study that was recently conducted in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it is more likely for the second child to exhibit a rebellious nature. And, apparently, this can cause them a bit of a problem down the lane. At least, now we know that our doubts are true – the second-born kids are truly troublemakers (1).

The study discussed above was conducted by an economist at MIT, Joseph Doyle. As per the data collated by the researchers, it was revealed that the second-born kids tend to be more rebellious, especially in case of a boy. The data that Doyle analyzed involved families from Denmark and Florida. And, the data collected was consistent despite the massive socio-economical, geographical, and environmental disparities.

When Doyle observed families that had two or more kids, he found that the chances of second-born boys being disciplined in school are about 20-40 percent greater as compared to the siblings. And, they are more inclined toward entering the criminal justice system later on. The data also ruled out differences that arise from the health at birth and other factors such as the choice of school.

Second Born Children Are More Likely To Be Rebellious
Image: Shutterstock

The MIT researcher, Doyle, believes that there can be a couple of ways to explain the rebellious nature of second-born children. First and foremost, he points out that this might be because parents end up focusing and concentrating more on their first-born kids. It is quite understandable, given how becoming parents for the first time can always hold a soft corner in the parents’ hearts, which results in them showering more attention towards the elder sibling.

Additionally, this can also be because the younger ones look up to their elder siblings as a role model. And, at times, the older siblings may not set the best example! The moment that the younger one hears the elder sibling say “no” to the parents (even if it is on one sole occasion), the little one might pick it up.

So, the research does show that the elder siblings are more likely to conform to the norms. And, the younger siblings are more prone to having an independent and rebellious personality – something that the parents have suspected for a long time now, isn’t it?

But, that does not necessarily mean that the second-born kids are going to become some sort of a rebel. However, this study is surely an interesting one. And, maybe, we can just start with paying them a little more attention. Just to be on the safer side!

However, don’t let this study get you all worked up. You know what you are doing so just believe in yourself. And, your kids are going to be absolutely wonderful. Good luck, parents!

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