4 Clear Signs That Your Ex Hasn’t Gotten Over You Just Yet

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With each passing generation, the nature of our relationships is undergoing a tremendous change. So is the way we deal with being in and out of them. Gone are the days when one failed relationship or breakup meant heartbreak of a lifetime and the end of the world. Today, the buzzword is “moving on in life”!

Of course, it is one of the most positive things to do post-breakup – to get going and take things as they come. Investing your time and energy in creative endeavours and giving quality time to your loved ones helps in emotional healing. The well-wishers around you, who were always there for you through the thick and thin of the grind, perhaps got side-lined all these days. They too need your attention and support!

However, the biggest challenge in moving on is that both the individuals, who are now out of the relationship, may not be tacking the situation in the same manner and pace. After all, the breakup cannot put an end to a whirlwind of feelings, emotions, and memories. These will stay on even when you are not together. And how the two individuals handle them varies.

A breakup is an ordeal of its own kind. When you are in love with someone, you are nurturing the dreams of spending the rest of your life in the company of each other. Drifting away from this state of closeness and companionship is not easy.

But now that the two of you have decided to move ahead, your breakup is a reality you must accept. And while you gradually pick yourself up, how is your ex-partner taking it? Although you are learning to look forward to new avenues in life, your ex-partner may still be clinging on to your memories and trying to find excuses to meet you! And you may never even know of his/her feelings. After all, we live in a world where we are taught to be “emotionally strong.” Any outburst of feelings is considered to be a sign of weakness and so, one may not even admit and confide in you.

How do you understand if your ex-partner has moved on or not? What if he/she is still holding on to you? Well, here are 4 signs you must look out for!

1. Finds The Silliest OF Excuses To Stay In Touch

Finds The Silliest OF Excuses To Stay In Touch
Image: Shutterstock

It could something as silly as calling you to ask for phone numbers of common friends (as if there are no other sources of finding out!) or to check on the wellbeing of your bestie – someone he always despised! If he is simply looking for the smallest of excuses to stay in touch with you, he has not moved on the way you have. He is trying everything to seek your attention.

2. Stays Connected With Common Friends

Stays Connected With Common Friends
Image: Shutterstock

Getting in touch with your common friends or your social circle is his/her way of being updated with your life. While your ex-partner may avoid directly getting in touch with you, he/she would find all ways and means of staying updated with your whereabouts. If you notice this happening, the alarm bells should ring in your mind.

3. Makes Coincidences Happen!

Makes Coincidences Happen!
Image: Shutterstock

Did you bump into him the other day, to which he reacted – “What a coincidence”? Well, it may not really be such a coincidence also! Your ex-partner may have designed and planned this serendipity. Instead of panicking or overreacting, you must wait and watch if such coincidences become frequent. Find a smart way of avoiding your ex so that both of you get enough space to move on in life.

4. Follows Your Social Media Moves

Follows Your Social Media Moves
Image: Shutterstock

Constantly prying on your social media handles is one definite sign that your ex-partner has not gotten over the past relationship. Sending a friend request to an old flame after a decade is one thing, but constantly following your ex after the recent breakup is another!

A breakup is a painful process. To let go of someone so that both of you can look ahead and beyond in your lives is very important. The act of letting go doesn’t come effortlessly. You were in the relationship because you wanted it to work. But the fact that it didn’t eventually led to the breakup. However, it is possible to drift apart with mutual respect. Life becomes easier when you learn to handle the complexities and nuances of the relationship.

Now that you know what signs signal the fact that your ex-partner has still not moved on, be cautious and mindful. This will help you tackle any bitterness or embarrassing situations. Instead of taking it as an egotistical power play, let go and try focussing your attention on more productive and creative things in life. Clinging to the sourness of the past relationship will do no good to either of you. Let go with the spirit of live and let live!

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