11 Important Signs That You’re Ready To Become Parents

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh facebook_iconinsta_icon
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If you’re a couple who are yet to become parents, then it’s probably a good idea to thoroughly think through the idea of having a baby together. In case you already saw those lines on your pregnancy test, then hopefully you considered these signs before making a decision. Because ultimately, considering all factors in the decision-making process, the person you should think about the most is your baby.

11. Both Partners Should Agree

The first thing you want to make sure is that your baby is born out of a decision that is founded on respect and truthfulness. What you don’t want is raising a baby who thinks that the parents didn’t want him or her! Having a baby is more than just natural reproduction. It’s a commitment. Please talk to each other in detail about deciding to have a baby before you actually have one.

10. Family Issues Are Not Solved By Having A Baby!

If your relationship is solid, it reflects in your decision-making process. There is no reason to think that the arrival of a baby will solve any of your already existing issues that are present without a baby. Often, couples tend to think that the relationship problems will be resolved once a baby is in the picture. Wrong! A baby deserves to enter this world with a family that resolves issues on its own.

9. Babies Don’t Represent Role Models

9. Babies Don’t Represent Role Models
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Try not to impose your own dreams on to the baby while you’re deciding to have one. Dreams like “Oh, our baby will have the most beautiful eyes,” or “Our baby is going to be an amazing scientist,” will only hamper the growth of your child.

Let the baby be whatever he or she wants to be.

8. Be A Realistic Parent

Instead of wondering about how the photos of your baby will turn out, you should take into account the realities of raising a baby and the fact that you won’t even have time for social media. You need to be carefree so that you can raise the baby that way too. Work on your own self before the baby arrives.

7. Don’t Pay Attention To The Biological Clock Threats

7. Don’t Pay Attention To The Biological Clock Threats
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When the Internet tells you that you need to have a baby before 30, say to yourself: I will read more and make my own decision. No one knows when it’s the right time for you to have a baby; only you know. So, stick to your gut-feeling.

6. Understand Troubles In The Foreseeable Future

Raising a baby is not a joke. Yes, there’s fun but there are also a lot of hardships. So instead of just thinking all the games you will end up playing with your baby, do consider the problem-solving you will have to do as well. It will help aid the decision-making process.

5. Babies Have Mood Swings

5. Babies Have Mood Swings
Image: Shutterstock

Babies are great at expressing emotions that are raw and uninhibited. They can be wonderful one moment, and ruthlessly emotional a few minutes later. You will need to strike the right balance between being a sweet parent and the one who sets the baby straight.

4. Pregnancy Is Not A Nightmare

Yes, pregnancy leads to weight gain. But that doesn’t mean that you cannot exercise. The hormones are not completely balanced, but a supportive partner can be. There’s no need to exaggerate situations in your head. All you need to have a baby is a good partnership.

3. Plan Your Finances

3. Plan Your Finances
Image: Shutterstock

Before you decide to have a baby, you need to be well aware of how financially sound you are. Save a little bit ahead of time so that you can give small pleasures to your baby and maybe build a playroom someday.

2. Parenting Needs Maturity

You want to think about this properly. A baby needs your assistance. You need to be thoughtful and mindful while raising a baby, and not freak out when things go out of hand. As a couple, you need to observe your child and educate yourselves to give her or him the right kind of care.

1. To Be A Parent, You Need To Think Carefully

1. To Be A Parent, You Need To Think Carefully
Image: Shutterstock

Having a baby is your choice. No one else knows your story. People say all kinds of things about parenting and babies becoming adults and moving away. But what matters is what you say to yourself and the stuff dreams are made of. So take a stand.

Parenting is challenging and rewarding. Deciding to become a parent is born out of a well-thought-out process that determines your ability and place in a relationship to take on this role. Think about your needs and desires, and make choices together with your partner. It is important that you arrive at a decision that is mutual and respectful, and that this great step of having a child makes you and your partner very happy.

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