10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You (And Ways To Chase It Away)

Written by Shivani K
Last Updated on

All forms of life (especially the human life) are subjected to two contrasting phases of life — the light and the dark, the good and the bad. And we learn the best lessons of our life with our own experiences. In our journey through life, we meet and greet a number of people. Some of them leave a huge impact on our lives — either a positive or a negative one. Whatever the nature of the impact may be, it teaches us something we never knew about or had paid attention to earlier.

Each of us has our own vibe, it’s a feeling that is felt by our surroundings and not us. We unknowingly transmit this vibe (or let’s term it as energy) onto others around us. It enhances the soul and the consciousness. This energy, again, can be either a positive or a negative one (1). And it is completely natural to get attracted to a negative bout of energy more easily than a positive one (blame the human nature!). Intuitive people are the ones most affected by the negative forces surrounding them. So, how do we know if we have been affected by the negativity around us? Can we recognize the signs that tell us about negative forces around us? It seems to us that we surely can.

We’ve put up a small pin-pointer list that could help you understand what is so negative around you.

Ten Signs That Show That There Is Negative Energy Around You

  1. Losing substances around you. For example, having lost your car keys or house keys. Or having left the keys inside the car and, lo and behold, the car gets locked. Or losing anything valuable like your wallet, jewelry, etc.
  2. You stop taking care of yourself. You don’t eat when you’re hungry nor drink when you’re thirsty. You stop doing all the things that are the basis for a survival in this world.
  3. You have slept for eight good hours or more. Yet, when you wake up you feel extremely lethargic, to an extent that you feel you haven’t rested at all.
  4. Major mood swings and drama. You are upset even when you don’t have a reason to be.
  5. Failing to log into your business accounts, personal accounts, and bank accounts in spite of entering the correct usernames and passwords, and having a pretty good internet connection.
  6. You drive all your focus on your past. Those past experiences that you should never be ideally discussing.
  7. You end up with a sore throat every other day like you have flu or you’ve caught a cold.
  8. The recipient address is correct, you’ve cross checked it a zillion times. Yet the message isn’t delivered successfully.
  9. Doing the unplanned. Ending up spending money even when you’re running short of money for your day-to-day needs.
  10. You’re speaking to someone important over the phone and the call just drops.

These are some of the signs that hint towards negative energy affecting you. If you feel you’ve picked up these signs, then read on below to understand how you could possibly drive them away.

Ways To Get Rid Of The Negative Energy

1. Develop A Strong Will

Make it a point to be resolute. Write down what you want to achieve and say it out loud. This will strengthen your throat chakra.

2. Just Yawn Away The Negativity

Just Yawn Away The Negativity
Image: Shutterstock

Sounds bizarre? But, it’s true! Practicing yawning actually helps to drive away the negative energy from you.

3. Use Sea Salt

Drink down a glass of water with some sea salt in it. Or bathe in a tub with some sea salt in it. It definitely is going to rid you of the negativity and let it flow to the drain.

4. Light Up A Candle

Light Up A Candle
Image: Shutterstock

Light any number of candles with an intention that it will drive away the negativity surrounding you. Let them burn away. Later on, throw the melted wax in a dustbin or bury them.

5. Go All Musical

Music is known to increase the positive vibrations of the body. Therefore, play some music and simply grab a musical instrument you love and start playing it.

6. Clap Your Hands

Clap Your Hands
Image: Shutterstock

When you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! A happy sound can make you positive. Walk around your house or any space you feel negative and clap your hands. The positive sound of the loud clapping is bound to drive away the negative bouts of energy in a jiffy.

7. Burn Orange Or Lemon Peels

Take the peels of the zesty orange or lemon and burn them on a stick. Go around the house with it. It will drive away the negative forces.

8. Say That Favorite Prayer

Say That Favorite Prayer
Image: Shutterstock

We all have that one favorite prayer that we chant religiously in times of distress to calm our body and mind. Start chanting it and shoo away the negative vibes.

We need to understand that negativity is a part of life. We can neither avoid it completely nor eliminate it completely. But we can definitely control ourselves from falling prey to it. Do you have any other techniques that could drive away negative energy? Let us know in the comments below.

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