6 Signs Your Liver Can’t Stand Your Lifestyle Any Longer

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The liver is a very vital organ of the body. According to doctors, the primary function of the liver is to filter the blood that comes from the digestive channel before it is supplied to the other parts of the body. The liver plays the role of a detoxifier and synthesizes medicines for a faster absorption. The liver also secretes bile that plays a pivotal role in the digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins.  Additionally, our livers generate proteins that are important for coagulation of blood and other critical functions (1).

The liver indeed is a hard-working lady, isn’t she? Imagine what would be the state of our body if the liver functions begin to go south. It would be nothing short of an emergency that can even prove to be fatal. But the amazing part of the human body is that it gives us signs the moment things don’t seem to be working well. And if we are in harmony with our bodies, we can easily pick up those signs. Acting early and fast can save you from a medical emergency. Like every organ of the body, the liver sends signals if it feels ill-treated and ignored.

So, watch out for these 6 signs before they blow up into something bigger and murkier.

1. Feeling Confused Almost All The Time?

If your liver isn’t working properly or has been overwhelmed by the number of toxins you let inside, it cannot filter the blood well. This bad blood can reach your brain causing memory issues, confusion, and difficulty in making decisions.

2. Low Blood Sugar

2. Low Blood Sugar
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The liver is also responsible for maintaining optimum sugar levels in your blood. If the liver is stressed due to some reason, it cannot synthesize and release glucose from your food and release it into your blood. This leads to a sharp drop in the glucose levels and, hence, the dip in blood sugar levels too. This condition is called ‘hypoglycaemia’ and most often the person suffering feels very tired, remains irritable, and finds it hard to focus.

3. Hormones That Are Going Crazy!

3. Hormones That Are Going Crazy!
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An additional function of the liver that is not known to many is that it metabolizes the hormones once they are done with their job. Hence, a malfunctioning liver could lead to hormonal imbalances. Amongst the hormones that it balances, one type is the sex hormones. An imbalance of sex hormones can easily affect one’s libido, weight, and can also lead to acute PMS (2).

4. Mood Swings

4. Mood Swings
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If your brain doesn’t receive purified blood because of an overworked liver, it can cause frequent mood changes, depression, and memory loss. It is not very well-known but depression occurs also because of a liver that isn’t working too well. If you experience mood swings, panic attacks or are facing issues remembering things, it is imperative for you to consult a doctor.

5. Immunity Issues

5. Immunity Issues
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According to experts, the liver is also a key player in keeping our immune system strong. Besides containing many immune cells, the hepatocytes or the liver cells are hugely responsible for the production of immunity proteins that circulate in our body. So, if you have been having a cold or a cough at the slightest instance, don’t blame it entirely on vitamin C – it’s time you got your liver examined (3).

6. Sleep Disorders

6. Sleep Disorders
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According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep apnea is a grave disorder. People who have this condition face trouble in breathing while they are asleep – their breathing starts and stops repeatedly. The most common symptom of this condition is snoring and excess fatigue, owing to a disturbed sleep. It is found that people who suffer from this condition have an unhealthy liver. Test results showed scars on the livers of the people having a sleep disorder and this condition is also known as a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (4).

The human body is an epic creation, just as the liver acts as a blood purifier by filtering the toxins you allowed in, the other parts of the body also carry significant bodily functions. The body cannot survive long if an organ fails to work as all the organs work in harmony to create a sense of well-being. A malfunctioning or a non-functional organ can be compared to a car whose wheels aren’t well inflated; the car may amble for a while but it won’t take too long to completely stop.

To avoid any of the above-mentioned signs from cropping up, make sure you listen to your body and avoid things that it dislikes. For a toned body and a smart mind, one needs to fuel it with healthy food, cut down or completely abstain from harmful substances such as alcohol, exercise daily, and make sure you don’t miss on your regular health checkups. With all these good habits woven into your daily routine, overall well-being will no more be a dream!

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