8 Signs Your Loved One Is Depressed

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Depression is something that affects not only the one suffering from it but their near and dear ones too. It’s also very easy to miss out on the symptoms and just assume that everything is fine. Here are a few symptoms that you might be able to spot in those around you so that you can get them the help they need.

Always remember, depression should never be taken lightly.

1. They Make A Big Show Of Being Happy

If they’re suffering on the inside, they might not show it on the outside. In fact, they might adopt a completely different persona, making it seem like everything is fine. They might seem like one of the chirpiest people you know, but if they take you into their confidence, you might find it’s otherwise. They put on a mask to avoid having to express their depression to the outside world. They choose to fight it on their own. But everyone can use a helping hand.

2. They Stop Having Pride In Their Personal Appearance

They Stop Having Pride In Their Personal Appearance
Image: Shutterstock

If you know someone who is usually very clean and tidy but suddenly seems to be off their game, perhaps s/he’s dealing with depression. They might stop worrying so much about how they look and go off good personal hygiene habits. This could creep into their homes too, with filthy rooms and untidy places where they live.

3. They’re Full Of Excuses

They’re Full Of Excuses
Image: Shutterstock

If you know someone who always puts off meeting you or going out and you find that they’re full of excuses, they might just be trying to hide. Avoiding something that they used to enjoy is a classic sign of depression (1). It might be easier to make something up at the last minute than to just admit that they feel too bummed to go out. Perhaps they don’t want to share that they’re depressed. Try having a conversation with them once.

4. They Obsess Over One Topic Or Event

They Obsess Over One Topic Or Event
Image: Shutterstock

If you find someone close to you obsessing over one thing and not doing anything about it, then it might be a sign that their thoughts are tending towards the depressive side. They could probably talk about this one thing for hours on end but be stagnant when it comes to action.

5. They Don’t React to Situations

They Don’t React to Situations
Image: Shutterstock

Depression can dial down all of an individual’s feelings and make the sufferer almost lifeless and apathetic. This person might not enjoy the same kind of jokes anymore; they don’t react to serious situations either. They might not even respond with grief at the loss of a loved one. They just feel numb.

6. Their Productivity Level Changes Suddenly

Their Productivity Level Changes Suddenly
Image: Shutterstock

This factor could change in either direction. Someone normally lackadaisical and lazy could suddenly become extremely occupied or someone who’s always working could suddenly start slacking off or abandon work altogether (2). This is probably because they’re searching for meaning or they’re trying to distract themselves from their own thoughts.

7. They’re Suddenly Philosophical

They’re Suddenly Philosophical
Image: Shutterstock

If a loved one abruptly starts having an existential crisis and talks about the meaning of life and the universe or anything of the sort, they’re searching for purpose. This quest for meaning is probably brought on by depression. If their talk has unexpectedly become nebulous, try having a heart-to-heart conversation with them and see how they’re doing.

8. Psychosomatic Illness

Psychosomatic Illness
Image: Shutterstock

Depression can manifest physically in the forms of aches and pains that no doctor can seem to find the cause of (3). Realising that it’s all in their head can cause them to feel even worse. It’s a self-feeding loop that gets worse by the day.

There used to be a time when talking about depression was a strict no-no. Now, people have become more open about it, with even celebrities coming out and opening up about their mental ailments. Not talking about it only makes things worse and sometimes can even be fatal.

If you find that anyone close to you shows signs of depression, urge them to seek help. It doesn’t have to be the worst. With advancements in medicine, it is treatable and doesn’t have to hinder one’s life. Don’t be quiet about it.

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