Simple Skincare Hacks For Flawless Skin

Written by Shivani K
Last Updated on

We need to stop evading the issue and face it now: we’re so busy with our lives and its relentless schedules that self-care often gets pushed to the bottom most part of our to-do list. We think that by pushing it down, we’re giving ourselves some time to do something which is even more worthwhile. But, hello? What’s more worthwhile than allocating time to taking care of yourself, right? We often end up neglecting our body so much that we soon end up falling prey to low self-esteem, we begin to look older than we are, we start feeling that people around us are much more in control of their lives than us. Therefore, we’re suggesting that you get your skincare game on track before it’s too late. Your skin deserves to be taken care of.

And yes, with the lifestyle we live in these days, one might think that taking care of skin can get expensive. But it is certainly not. All you need is to be aware of a few simple hacks that will make your skin breathe fresh and look healthy and flawless. So, to get you back on track with your skincare regime, we put together the following simple skincare hacks. Give it a read.

1. Water Is What Saves The Day

You must have heard this from almost every skincare expert now. Drinking water can do wonders to our skin. Staying hydrated will promote healthy skin cell growth in our body. The main reason for skin issues to surface is lack of water in our body. If our body isn’t hydrated enough, skin issues will arise. Water in our body is what keeps our skin fresh, cleans the pores of the skin, and prevents the breakouts on the skin’s surface. So, everyday, make it a habit to drink enough water. Carry a water bottle wherever you go!

2. The Magical Aloe Gel

The Magical Aloe Gel
Image: Shutterstock

We are truly blessed to have aloe vera available on this earth. Aloe has properties that are highly beneficial to our body, especially our skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to prevent breakouts on our skin (1).

The gel, in particular, helps heal acne. Aloe can quite literally be called our skin’s savior. Massaging the aloe gel onto the skin will calm down any sort of irritation on the skin. It can be used to treat sunburns as well. We could go on and on about its benefits, but we’ll stop here.

3. Exercise And Massaging

Exercise And Massaging
Image: Shutterstock

One of the most beneficial practices for maintaining beautiful skin is to have good blood circulation in your body. And for that, it’s very important for us to exercise as well as massage our body well. These two practices contribute to a relaxed body and mind. It helps our body to get rid of the dead skin cells. Massaging will help you attain that natural glowing skin which can even beat the magic done by a bronzer or a blush. Exercising also helps you eliminate all the toxins from the body.

4. Steam Facials

Steam Facials
Image: Shutterstock

Haven’t you gotten this done yet? Every time you get a facial or a cleanup done, one of the steps that they do at the salon is giving you a nice steam target at your face. Steaming helps open up all the clogged pores of your skin (2). By doing so it flushes out all the impurities.

Make it a habit to take a nice steam bath once or twice a week. And wash your face with cold water after this. While the steam helps open and clean your pores. The cold water splash will help close the pores back to normal again. You can also get a handy steamer and keep it at home.

5. Honey And Lemon

Honey And Lemon
Image: Shutterstock

These two have been known as the fundamental ingredients for skincare. They help improve skin health in a quick and effective manner. Both lemon and honey contain antioxidants that help heal the skin tissues. Lemon consists of antiseptic components that help to get rid of any accumulated bacteria on the clogged pores. However, treating your skin with lemon for long will make it dry. This is why it is essential to mix it with honey. Honey will nourish and smooth your skin (3).

6. Classic Turmeric

Classic Turmeric
Image: Shutterstock

Turmeric has been every household’s holy grail for all kinds of problems, be it health, beauty, or wellness. Indians have used turmeric as a part of their skin regimen for centuries to an extent that they have a whole wedding ceremony named after it — the haldi ceremony. You can even call it the golden powder. It can make your skin glow. The antioxidants present in it will help heal your skin problems ranging from sunburns, acne, or blemishes (4). It’s the safest go-to hack for the skin.

With just a little bit of love and care, you can attain flawless skin in no time. Remember, when you look good, you feel good! Therefore, start paying attention to your skin and use the above hacks to get your skin glowing. Do you know of any other hacks? Let us know in the comments below.

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