No Stress, No Anxiety: 5 Subtle Changes For A Carefree Life

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh facebook_iconinsta_icon
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No matter how much we try to avoid it, stress seems to find its way into our lives one way or another. Maybe it’s because of the way we live our lives these days or the demanding jobs that we have, which contribute to this buildup of stress in our lives. But what is certain is that it is really not desirable to be affected by it. Because stress does not just affect, it also afflicts.

So, is there a way to keep stress at bay? Turns out, there are several! Read on to know more about these little changes that you can bring about in your life to ensure that you don’t have to deal with stress on an everyday basis.

1. Simple Exercises

Include simple exercises into your daily routine to street clear of stress! These don’t have to be complicated or hard to do. Remember, you’re not trying to lose weight. All you are trying to do is reduce stress! So, just stretching your neck and back and doing shoulder shrugs can go a long way in helping you live a stress-free life.

Every morning, try shoulder shrugs. Lift your shoulders as much as possible without moving any other part of your body while sitting straight. You can also do chin turns and head tilts. Chin turns involve you turning your chin towards the back of your neck as much as possible. But be careful not to push yourself too hard as overdoing it might give you a neck sprain. The same goes for head tilts as well. All you have to do is tilt your head first to the right and then to the left. After you’re done with these three, do a back stretch. You’ll be surprised to see how much your stress levels drop!

2. Try Acupressure

Try Acupressure
Image: Shutterstock

An ancient Chinese healing practice that involves applying pressure at particular points in your body, acupressure actually works wonders! According to this healing process, there are three important pressure points in your body that relieve stress – the ‘union valley’ or the space between your forefinger and thumb, the ‘great rushing’ or the space between your long toe and big toe, and the ‘spirit gate’ or the point on your wrist below your palm, right under the little finger:

  • On the union valley, gently apply pressure with the forefinger and thumb of the other hand and keep the pressure constant for about 30 seconds. Remember to take deep breaths while doing this as it helps with cleansing toxins out of your system. Repeat thrice before switching to the other hand.
  • On the great rushing, do the same thing of applying pressure, preferably with your thumb, and keep it constant for 20 seconds. You can choose to do this on one foot and then the other or do it for both together.
  • On the spirit gate, apply pressure gently using your thumb and forefinger for about 2-3 minutes. Remember to do it first on the right hand, followed by the left.

3. Opt For Yoga

Opt For Yoga
Image: Shutterstock

There are many yoga poses that are specifically designed for stress relief. The most common ones being Paschimottanasana, Uttana Shishosana, and Uttanasana:

  • Paschimottanasana includes sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out and toes slightly bent towards you. You need to now stretch your arms up, lift your neck, and bend forward so that your navel touches your knees. Don’t forget to breathe in while lifting your neck and breathe out while bending forward.
  • In Uttana Shishosana, you have to get down on your knees and hands. Slowly, while breathing out, lower your chest to the ground, then touch your forehead to the floor.
  • Uttanasana involves keeping both your feet together then stretching your arms up and bending forward to touch your feet. This also helps in stretching your spine.

4. Eye And Head Massage

Eye And Head Massage
Image: Shutterstock

This is probably one of the most obvious and easiest things to do to keep stress at bay. There are three ways in which you can do this:

  • Using the first three fingers of your hands, press your temples gently. Do this for 10 seconds, stop for 5 seconds, and repeat two more times.
  • Using the first two fingers, massage your eyes gently from the inside of your face towards the outside (from the nose to the temples). Repeat it for five times.
  • Rub your fingers, one after the other, on the other hand’s palm, followed by rubbing of your palms together. Do this for the right hand’s fingers first.

5. Live Healthily

Live Healthily
Image: Shutterstock

We know this is easier said than done, but it is of utmost importance if being stress-free is what you want to be! Make it a habit to work out regularly, and also try to stay as positive as possible, making sure that you have something to laugh about! Eat right and avoid eating food that you’re even mildly allergic to. Additionally, sit and stand straight, drink lots of water, and as much as possible, avoid things that are toxic in nature. Oh, and most importantly, sleep well.

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