7 Unexpected Ways You Can Relieve Headaches

Written by Shivani K
Last Updated on

There can definitely be nothing good about a headache, right? Whenever it hits us, it causes immense discomfort. And let’s not forget the pounding pressure we feel in our skull. While some headaches do pass by really quick, there are some that linger on for almost an entire day or maybe more. And it’s not just the pain that’s intolerable, a severe headache also hampers our productivity. It makes us miss out on our social engagements, causes us to lag behind at work, and of course, also crushes our spirit.

For many people out there, the first line of defense for headaches is to seek comfort from pills or any other form of medication, be it a balm or an injection. But did you know that there are other ways of alleviating a headache that doesn’t include taking any medications? If you have headaches that are happening way too often, then you should definitely consult your doctor. Meanwhile, we’ve put together a number of unexpected ways that are known to provide relief from a headache. Read on.

1. Chug Some Water

One of the telltale signs that your body isn’t hydrated enough is a pounding headache. When our body starts running low on fluids, it starts to preserve whatever is left of them. And then it starts finding ways to make us aware of this dearth of fluids. And our body’s favorite way to communicate this is through headaches and migraines. Even studies show that drinking enough water will keep the painful headaches at bay (1).

2. A Shot Of Botox Works

2. A Shot Of Botox Works
Image: Shutterstock

We know that it’s mainly done to smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles on our face. Turns out that this wonder toxin can help a great deal in treating headaches as well, especially migraines. If you’re one of those who suffer from migraines quite often, then the Botox treatment will surely provide you great relief.

Botox eases the tension in the muscles caused by the headache. It provides relief from pain by blocking the sensory nerves that transmit pain in the areas around your head and neck (2).

3. Log In A Good Night’s Sleep Every Day

3. Log In A Good Night’s Sleep Every Day
Image: Shutterstock

One of the known triggers for headache is sleep deprivation. Getting a good seven to eight hours of naptime will help replenish and refresh your mind and protect it against that headache. Therefore, try making a sleep schedule for yourself and stick to it regularly. At the same time, remember that too many of those Zzz’s can have the opposite effect too! Leaving you with those pesky headaches again.

4. Get Active And Start Exercising

4. Get Active And Start Exercising
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Generally, when our head hurts, we opt to curl up in bed after popping a headache pill, and just retire from work for the rest of the day. However, experts say that doing the opposite of that is better. They say that staying active will help you combat headache better. Being active or exercising regularly can boost blood circulation, which in turn improves our body’s cognitive and cardiovascular functions (3). Jogging, swimming or biking are some of the best headache-combating activities.

5. Get Instant Relief With Acupuncture

5. Get Instant Relief With Acupuncture
Image: Shutterstock

If you suffer from tension headaches frequently, then consider finding your solace in acupuncture. It works on the principles of the mind-body connection and helps to tune out the pain. Acupuncture involves placing tiny needles on certain specific sensory areas of forehead, neck, cheeks (4). By doing this, the body begins to readjust the level of pain and slowly gets desensitized to it. Most of them who have sought this treatment have admitted that this procedure relaxed them a lot.

6. Give Your Eyes Some Down Time

6. Give Your Eyes Some Down Time
Image: Shutterstock

Vision-related headaches are something a majority of us experience. We think it’s common and nothing to worry about, but it should be considered a two-way siren. Because this headache is a byproduct of tension faced by our eyes and it creates tension in our heads as well.And if you are constantly working on your laptop, then we recommend you start practicing the habit of taking frequent computer breaks. Just look away for a minute or look at an object placed a few hundred meters away. Doing this relaxes the tension in your eyes, thereby preventing the onset of a headache. If headaches still continue, then you need to visit an eye doctor to get your eyes checked.

7. Snack Your Way Out

7. Snack Your Way Out
Image: Shutterstock

Has it happened to you that you reached home after a really tiring day at work, and you realized that your head was hurting? Can you recollect when you’d had your last meal? Must’ve been hours, right? When you go on for too long without having any food, your blood sugar levels start to plummet which causes a hypoglycemic headache. When this happens, you shouldn’t eat anything sweet as it will cause a sudden spike in your sugar levels. Therefore, make sure you snack on something healthy every now and then.

Now, here’s a little food for thought for you all: Though bananas are considered to be healthy, they can spike a headache.

These were some of the other ways of handling a bad headache. So try these ways instead of doing the easy job of popping pills. Are there any alternate headache relief therapies that you’re aware of? Let us know in the comments section below.

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