7 Walking Quirks That Reveal Problems With Our Health

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The seemingly simple act of walking is a complex process. It is wired with the skeletal and nervous systems of our body. Since the act of walking is very automatic, we do not notice how the complex systems of our body are responsible for the way we walk. In fact, there are many beliefs associated with one’s posture and walking style. The attention and predominant positions, pace and style of walking, and the way you lean are all supposed to reflect your personality type.

However, there are seven quirks that indicate your health condition. Yes! Your walking style speaks a great deal about your health, past injuries, and state of mind. Let’s take a closer look at them!

1. Springing Gait

Have you ever noticed the gait of women wearing high heels? Oh yes, they do look sexy. But did you observe their springing walk because of stiff calves? Similarly, people who do not stretch enough after working out could also develop stiff calf muscles. This causes a spring-like motion in your walk. If you do not correct the quirk, you are at risk of an ankle or a knee injury.

It is advisable you do some good stretches to make your calf muscles flexible. Try and avoid wearing heels and uncomfortable footwear for a longer duration of time.

2. Smaller Steps

If your knees are healthy, they would ideally straighten when you put your foot forward. But when a person is suffering from a knee injury, s/he is unable to do so and the stride will become smaller. In such a case, there is either something wrong with the knees or hip joints. You should visit the doctor at the earliest. Neglecting this condition can lead to back pain. Try and avoid complications in future and consult your physician now!

3. Snail Pace Stroll

Snail Pace Stroll
Image: Shutterstock

You can actually make out if a person is going through a low phase in life by observing his stride! If s/he displays constrained arm movement, short and slow footsteps, and a vertical motion of the head, chances are s/he is going through depression (1). In fact, you would be surprised to know that you can change their mood by walking along with them and speeding up their pace! Did you know walking fast can be a mood changer? Give it a try.

4. Slapping the Foot

Do not judge a person as being reckless merely by the sound of their footsteps! Such people may be suffering from a pinched nerve, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, back or muscle problem (2). They show some similar traits in their walking style. They generally slap their feet down instead of putting them forward gently. This indicates a possible neurological disorder or muscular problems.

5. Leaning While Walking

Leaning While Walking
Image: Shutterstock

If you are quick to conclude that the man you come across every morning is an alcoholic only because he leans as he gets down the staircase, you could be mistaken. The guy may have suffered a head injury and is unable to balance himself because of dizziness. This makes him lean on one side, especially when he goes up or down the staircase.

6. Stiff Hands

When you have a healthy body, your hand and leg movements synchronize. As you put your left leg forward, your right hand works as a stabilizer and moves forward. But if this doesn’t happen and the amplitude of the arm swing is smaller, you need to consult a doctor. You may have observed some people having a very strange gait. Their hand movement doesn’t synchronise with that of their legs’. They must be suffering from a neurological or an orthopaedic problem.

7. Limping And Locked Knees

 Limping And Locked Knees
Image: Shutterstock

A normal person can transfer weight to either of the legs. But remember the last time you hurt your left toe while playing football? You limped on your right foot for almost 15 days! Similarly, those who are suffering from arthritis, for instance, would avoid transferring their weight to one leg. This results in limping (3). If you are limping, you should be very careful of a fall in such situations because the chances of the knees getting locked are high.

It is not like you need to keep an eye on each and every step you put forward. A walking quirk in itself indicates a health condition that you are perhaps already aware of.

Some experts advise on how you can improve your strides to live a healthy and long life! For instance, when you get down the staircase, keep your knees slightly bent rather than keeping them stiff and straight. The same applies when you are standing straight. Avoid locking your knees too stiffly. Keep them a little bent. Another useful advice from the experts is to increase the speed of your walk. People who walk faster live longer and healthier!

Now, isn’t this a good reason to put on a comfortable pair of shoes this evening and do some good brisk walking? Stay healthy!

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