5 Things I Wish I’d Been Warned About Being Pregnant With Twins

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People were always curious whenever I said that I am expecting twins. It’s understandable because your body is doing twice the work. I have to admit I was more curious than anyone else. And not in an exciting curious kind of way. I had no idea what I would have to go through for the next couple of months. I had read many pregnancy articles about the importance of being self-informed. So I did just that. Absorbing as much knowledge as I could and learning about all the changes that will be taking place in my body. I was also amazed at the fact that how my body could create everything twice the size- the placenta and even amniotic sac. And boy, did my belly stretch!

The whole thing was unknown territory to me and I would be lying if I said that reading didn’t help. No one in my family had twins before, so I didn’t have anyone who could share their experiences with me. And the little pieces of information and advice I got from a few of my friends and family weren’t that helpful. In fact, some were bleak and negative. But now that I have been there and done that, I feel like I know a lot better than before. So, here are 5 things I wish I had known about being pregnant with twins:

1. Never A Dull Moment

Although I did hear about it from a few people, I didn’t believe them. Seeing how tensed and nervous I was, I thought they said it to cheer me up. But I swear I could watch my babies try to interact and play with each other all day long. So if somebody tells you that it could be fun, believe them!

2. People Might Pick A Favorite

People Might Pick A Favorite
Image: IStock

A few weeks after coming home, all my friends and relatives started flowing in to see the newborns. But what I didn’t know was that they might pick a favorite and even say it out loud. I noticed a few of them gravitating towards one and some towards the other. Although I was tempted to take offense in what they were doing, I pretty soon got over it. Instead, I focused on how much excited they were to be with them.

3. It’s Not The End Of The World

It's Not The End Of The World
Image: IStock

I had many people tell me that your life is basically over after having twins. I suppose they were trying to help me by giving me a heads-up about how different my life is going to be after their arrival. But I can guarantee you that it’s not the end of life. My life is definitely a lot different than how it was before. And it’s a choice I made when I decided to have kids. But I can also say that I have never enjoyed my life this much before. There are times when I’m tired and barely get any free time, but with a little planning, you could have double the fun with 2 babies.

4. Twins Might Have Misshapen Heads

Twins Might Have Misshapen Heads
Image: IStock

When I saw both my babies I was a bit worried as one of the twins had a misshapen head. The doctor reassured me that it will be back to normal after a while and it’s normal with multiple kids. The pressure inside the womb can squish their heads a little bit. It’s only later that I came to know about this condition and how there are even specialized helmets available to round off their head (1). I wish I had known about it earlier so that I would have been better prepared.

5. It’s A Ripple Effect

Its A Ripple Effect
Image: IStock

It’s past two years, but I still get overwhelmed at times when I look at the mess in our living room or how I am not able to arrange enough play dates for my kids. There are times when I feel like I am not doing my best, and that’s okay. I have learned to pick up the pieces and do the best that I can.

No matter how much you prepare, you are in for a few surprises with twins. But I promise you that everything is going to work out in the end. As for me, I have become more passionate about life and am more careful about not wasting even a single day without doing something productive since having twins. Life has changed, but for better.

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